
Hotend thermal runaway

#26204 (MK4S) #13204 (MK4) #27204 (MK3.9S) #21204 (MK3.9) #31204 (CORE One)

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What happened?

The printer is showing the error "Hotend thermal runaway: Check the print head thermistor wiring for potential damage".

Error name: Hotend thermal runaway 

Error code: #26204 (MK4S) #13204 (MK4) #27204 (MK3.9S) #21204 (MK3.9) #31204 (CORE One) 

The error will show if the temperature on the nozzle drops by 12 ºC for an extended period of time. This temperature drop would usually not be an issue, but if the heat is not recovered after 60 seconds the error will happen. In this case, the printer will stop the heating and display the message on the screen.

How to fix it? 

Make sure that the ambient temperature where the printer is is stable, and above 10 ºC.

Extruder inspection

This error can be caused by any damage to the hotend heater or the hotend thermistor.

Make sure that the hotend thermistor is inserted in the heater block.

Access the LoveBoard. Check if the heater and the thermistor are connected correctly and if there is no damage along their length.

If you have a multimeter, you can use our Multimeter usage guide to check if the cables are damaged.

xBuddy board inspection

On the main board, check if the fuse that protects the hotend is not damaged.

Make sure that the Loveboard main cable is correctly connected to the xBuddy board.



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I ran in to this issue after upgrading MK4 to MK4s and noted that it was always on the same place and only for certain prints, while other worked fine without issues.

I think I have determined what the issue is in my case. (I dont run the silicon sock, slicer 2.9.0, fw 6.1.3+7898)

The problem occur when the printer is printing a solid layer on top of last infill layer (tested at 10% and 15% in my test case). I think the slicer/printer determines that this is considered printing "bridges".

In the prusa print profile for Prusament PETG there is a hidden setting that is only shown if you select expert mode. Go to Filaments - Cooling. There is a setting there that forces the fan speed to 40% when printing bridges. Which is to much in some cases like mine.

In my case I had only a couple of layers of infill. Changing to solid layer printing removed the issue for me for this print.

I need to experiment a bit more regarding Bridges fan speed setting before having an idea for what would be and suitable value here to solve the issue for a larger variety of print cases.
Per Andersin
Same problem for me. 
I have rebuilt my MK4 to MK4S, and when doing the tests after the Hotend heater test didn't pass. I tried a lot of different things with no success. And finally one of the heater cable broke.
But the superb Prusa support sent a new heater and thermistor free of charge! 
This solved the test-problem. But now when I have started to print I've received this error.
Reducing the fan speed to 68% seems to solve the problem for me as well. But a bit annoying. 
(I'm still running without the sock) 
Just wanted to share my experience with this error.  I had the original MK3S (kit) and upgraded that to the MK4.  I've never had any errors on those two iterations.  I then upgraded to the new MK4S (with new extruder parts, high-flow nozzle, etc).  During the assembly the instructions relating to the "Silicon Sock" (which was new to me) said that it was Recommanded but not required.  I chose to install it as it was recommended.  When I powered up the machine (with firmware updated to latest), i went into the Settings -> Hardware and changed the machine from MK4 to MK4S and also "checked" that the Silicon Sock was installed.  During the initial calibration/test, the Heater test failed.  I tried it several times and each time during that test, when the nozzle got to 178 degrees C, the heating test would fail and then begin cooling down.  So, I decided to see if the sock had something to do with that.  I removed the sock, i then disabled the setting that said the sock was installed.  Then ran the heating test again:  this time it succeeded.  So I decided to keep the sock off.
Next test of this new printer:  printing of course.  I updated prusaslicer to 2.8.1, downloaded any configuration updates.  Went thru the config wizard and picked MK4S with HF0.4 nozzle. 
Every print I started (generated via the new configuration in PrusaSlicer) would failed with this Hotbed runaway error in exactly the same fashion (multiple prints... note this was PLA):  The bed layer would print perfectly at 230C without any variation of temp (note that the big new fan is off during the bed layer).  When it began the next layer, the new fan would kick in, the temp would get told to go down to 225C (in this particular case) but the temp would actually dive down to about 212-215 and then slowly start creeping down lower and lower until this error occured.  I tried this over and over and exactly the same thing on any print.  I even changed the profile in slicer to the old MK4 just to try it.   Same thing exactly.  
So, i decided to install the silicon sock again.   This required, me removing the nozzle/wires, putting on the sock, re-inserting the nozzle and hooking the heating wires all back up.
I now have no problems.  The temp is perfectly stable.
So either:
1.  The sock is actually required in order to maintain temp better with the new fan/shroud??
Or (more likely I would guess)
2.  I had some cables pinched or crimped or something with the nozzle not quite installed correctly and removing the nozzle and re-installing it fix things.
Anyway, just wanted to share as that was a several hour support chat.
Thanks for this tip. I just finished my MK4 to MK4S upgrade, and as you can guess by the fact I'm on this page, I also got a thermal runaway error on my first print.
After restarting, and knowing to look for a temp drop, I saw this exactly. So I dropped my fan speed a bit, and let it heat all the way back up. Then put the fan back to normal speeds (70%) with a successful completion.
I'll have to poke around in my settings to see if I can max the fan speed out at 65% or so to see if that helps.
I do not have the sock on yet, but I will also give that shot to see if that helps at all.
Thank you for the tip. I had the exact same issue when upgrading my printer from MK4 to MK4S. I also removed the sock because of the failed calibration.
Putting the silicon sock back on solved the issue.
Andri Kobler
Same problem here. Once the temp started falling, I reduced the fan speed to 68% and no error after this. Kind of annoying to watch the print and adjust the speed manually each time.
Rosalva Razo
My MK4 jeeps doing this. I have gotten this error 4 times in the past 2 days. I had this issue before, about 5 months ago, and worked with support to fix it. We took the whole heatbead apart and that somehow fixed it, but now it's happening again. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix it? 
Same issue, right out of the box it failed the heat test but then was fine until I installed the mmu. I did a full factory reset and now 2 days later it is happening again
Marina Curzi - Official Prusa CS

Please take some pictures or video of the issue, and contact our customer support to find the source of the issue.