The Original Prusa MK4 and MK3.9 are equipped with a color LCD screen that, among other things, supports G-code thumbnails and QR codes.

The footer of the main screen can be edited to show the features you wish to be shown on the main page.
- Tune
- Change Filament
- Cancel Object
- Cancel Current
- Print Speed
- Nozzle Temperature
- Heatbed Temperature
- Print Fan Speed
- Flow Factor
- Stuck Filament Detection
- Stealth Mode
- Sound Mode
- Input Shaper
- Calibration
- X-axis filter
- X-axis frequency
- Y-axis filter
- Y-axis frequency
- Restore defaults
- Fan Check
- Verify Gcode
- Cutter (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- User Interface
- Footer
- Item 1 [None/Nozzle/Bed/Filament/FSensor/Speed/X/Y/Z/Z Height/Print fan/Heatbreak fan/Heatbreak/Finda/Nozzle diameter/Nozzle PMW]
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5
- Reset
- Sort Files [Time/Name]
- Print Progress Screen [OFF, 30 s - 200 s]
- Menu Timeout
- Sound Mode [Loud/Silent/Assist/Once]
- For filament change, preheat [Nozzle/Noz&Bed]
- RGB Status Bar
- Touch
- Touch Sig workaround
- Footer
- Network
- Active Interface [Eth/Wi-fi]
- Network status
- Wi-fi status
- IPv4 Address
- IPv4 Gateway
- MAC Address
- Hostname
- DNS Server
- Connect Host
- Connect IP
- Ping | Loss
- Connect
- Gateway
- DNS server
- Wi-Fi
- Wi-Fi status
- Wi-Fi Wizard
- Protocol
- IPv4 Address
- IPv4 Netmask
- IPv4 Gateway
- Hostname
- MAC Address
- Ethernet
- Protocol
- IPv4 Address
- IPv4 Netmask
- IPv4 Gateway
- Hostname
- MAC Address
- Prusa Connect
- Enabled
- Status
- Error
- Hostname
- Add printer to Connect
- Load Settings
- Prusa Link
- Enabled
- User
- Password
- IPv4 address
- Hostname
- Generate Password
- Metrics & Log
- What is this?
- Allow
- Enable Stored on Startup
- Stored configuration
- Host
- Metrics port
- Log Port
- Current configuration
- Metrics Host
- Metrics Port
- Log Host
- Log Port
- Time Zone Hour Offset
- Time Zone Minute Offset
- Time Zone Summertime
- Info
- Message History
- Pause
- Stop
- Preheat
- PC
- PP
- PA
- Custom
- Name
- Nozzle temperature
- Nozzle Preheat Temperature
- Bed Temperature
- Is Abrasive
- Requires Filtration
- Confirm
- Show All
- Cooldown
- Filament
- Load filament
- Unload filament
- Change filament
- Purge filament
- Manage Filaments
- Loaded filament
- Name
- Visible
- Nozzle Temperature
- Nozzle Preheat Temperature
- Bed Temperature
- Is Abrasive
- Requires Filtration
- Edit Filaments
- Reorder Filaments
- Enable Filaments
- Loaded filament
- Preload to MMU (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- Preload All
- Preload Filament 1
- Preload Filament 2
- Preload Filament 3
- Preload Filament 4
- Preload Filament 5
- Preload to MMU Advanced (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- Carry Out the Changes
- Load to Nozzle (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- Load Filament 1
- Load Filament 2
- Load Filament 3
- Load Filament 4
- Load Filament 5
- Unload Filament (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- PC
- PP
- PA
- Eject From MMU (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- Eject From MMU 1
- Eject From MMU 2
- Eject From MMU 3
- Eject From MMU 4
- Eject From MMU 5
- Cut Filament (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- Cut Filament 1
- Cut Filament 2
- Cut Filament 3
- Cut Filament 4
- Cut Filament 5
- Manage Filaments (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- Control
- Move axis
- Move X
- Move Y
- Move Z
- Move E
- Cooldown
- Temperature
- Heatbed temperature
- Nozzle temperature
- Print Fan speed
- Cooldown
- Auto home
- Set ready
- Disable Motors
- Cold pull
- Loading Test (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- Test Filament 1
- Test Filament 2
- Test Filament 3
- Test Filament 4
- Test Filament 5
- Calibrations & tests
- 1. Fan test
- 2. XY axis test
- 3. Z alignment calibration
- 4. Loadcell test
- 5. Z axis test
- 6. Heater test
- 7. Gears Calibration
- 8. Filament sensor calibration
- Move axis
- Settings
- Filament Sensor
- Stuck filament detection
- MMU unit
- Cutter (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- Stealth Mode
- Fan check
- Verify GCode
- Input shaper
- Calibration
- X-axis filter
- X-axis frequency
- Y-axis filter
- Y-axis frequency
- Restore defaults
- User Interface
- Footer
- Item 1 [None/Nozzle/Bed/Filament/FSensor/Speed/X/Y/Z/Z Height/Print fan/Heatbreak fan/Heatbreak/Finda/Nozzle diameter/Nozzle PMW]
- Item 2 [None/Nozzle/Bed/Filament/FSensor/Speed/X/Y/Z/Z Height/Print fan/Heatbreak fan/Heatbreak/Finda/Nozzle diameter/Nozzle PMW]
- Item 3 [None/Nozzle/Bed/Filament/FSensor/Speed/X/Y/Z/Z Height/Print fan/Heatbreak fan/Heatbreak/Finda/Nozzle diameter/Nozzle PMW]
- Item 4 [None/Nozzle/Bed/Filament/FSensor/Speed/X/Y/Z/Z Height/Print fan/Heatbreak fan/Heatbreak/Finda/Nozzle diameter/Nozzle PMW]
- Item 5 [None/Nozzle/Bed/Filament/FSensor/Speed/X/Y/Z/Z Height/Print fan/Heatbreak fan/Heatbreak/Finda/Nozzle diameter/Nozzle PMW]
- Reset
- Sort Files [Time/Name]
- Print Progress Screen [OFF, 30 s - 200 s]
- Menu Timeout
- Sound Mode [Loud/Silent/Assist/Once]
- For filament change, preheat [Nozzle/Noz&Bed]
- RGB Status Bar
- Touch
- Touch Sig workaround
- Footer
- Language and Time
- Language
- English
- Čeština
- Deutsch
- Español
- Français
- Italiano
- Polski
- ニホンゴ
- Time Zone Hour Offset
- Time Zone Minute Offset
- Time Zone Summertime
- Time Format [24h/12h]
- Language
- Network
- Active Interface [Eth/Wi-fi]
- Network status
- Wi-fi status
- IPv4 Address
- IPv4 Gateway
- MAC Address
- Hostname
- DNS Server
- Connect Host
- Connect IP
- Ping | Loss
- Connect
- Gateway
- DNS server
- Wi-Fi
- Wi-Fi status
- Wi-Fi Wizard
- Protocol
- IPv4 Address
- IPv4 Netmask
- IPv4 Gateway
- Hostname
- MAC Address
- Ethernet
- Protocol
- IPv4 Address
- IPv4 Netmask
- IPv4 Gateway
- Hostname
- MAC Address
- Prusa Connect
- Enabled
- Status
- Error
- Hostname
- Add printer to Connect
- Load Settings
- Prusa Link
- Enabled
- User
- Password
- IPv4 address
- Hostname
- Generate Password
- Metrics & Log
- What is this?
- Allow
- Enable Stored on Startup
- Stored configuration
- Host
- Metrics port
- Log Port
- Current configuration
- Metrics Host
- Metrics Port
- Log Host
- Log Port
- Hardware
- Printer Type [MK4/MK4S/MK3.9/MK3.9S]
- Printhead
- Nozzle Diameter
- Nozzle Hardened
- Nozzle High-flow
- Nextruder Silicone Sock
- Nextruder
- Calibrate Filament sensor
- G-code checks
- Nozzle Diameter [Warn/Strict/None]
- Printer Model [Warn/Strict/None]
- Firmware Version [Warn/Strict/None]
- Fan Compatibility [Warn/Strict/None]
- MK3 Compatibility [Warn/Strict/None]
- G-code Level [Warn/Strict/None]
- Display Refresh Speed [High/Low
- FW update
- System
- Save Crash Dump
- Save Logs to File
- Device Hash in QR
- Load Settings from File
- Factory Reset
- Reset Settings & Calibrations
- Hard Reset (USB with FW needed)
- Shipping Preparation
- Info
- Network Status
- Wi-Fi Status
- IPv4 Address
- IPv4 Gateway
- MAC Address
- Hostname
- DNS Server
- Connect Host
- Connect IP
- Ping | Loss
- Connect
- Gateway
- DNS Server
- Sensor Info
- Heatbreak Temp
- Board Temperature
- Bed Temperature
- MCU temperature
- Nozzle Temperature
- Loadcell Value
- Filament Sensor
- FINDA (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- Print Fan
- Heatbreak Fan
- Heater Voltage
- Input Voltage
- Heater Current
- Input Current
- MMU current
- Version Info
- Firmware Version
- Bootloader version
- MMU Version (Only Available when MMU is installed)
- Buddy Board
- Serial Number
- Love Board
- xLCD
- Print Statistics
- Fail Stats
- Power failures
- Statistics
- X Axis
- Y Axis
- Z Axis
- Filament
- MMU filament loads
- Print Time
- Fail Stats
- Network Status