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2. Enclosure assembly


2. Enclosure assembly

2. Enclosure assembly
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2. Enclosure assembly
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Left panel installing
Left panel installing
Left panel installing
Left panel installing
Peel off the protective film from both sides of the side panel.
Po odstranění ochranné fólie je boční panel náchylnější k poškrábání. Postupujte opatrně.
Insert the side panel into the left-frame.
Align up the side panel holes with left frame holes.
How to install nylon rivets
How to install nylon rivets
How to install nylon rivets
How to install nylon rivets
In this step, we will demonstrate how to secure the panels using the nylon rivets. Please familiarize yourself with this procedure, as it will be repeated several times throughout the manual.
Do not insert any rivets yet; wait for further instructions in the next step. This step is just a demonstration.
Align the hole in the side frame and the hole in the side panel.
Insert the rivet through both the side frame and the panel.
Zadní panel k rámu připevněte zatlačením nylonových nýtů.
Zajištění levého panelu
Zajištění levého panelu
Zajištění levého panelu
Zajištění levého panelu
Insert the nylon rivet from the outside through the left frame and side panel.
Secure the side panel with remaining 15 nylon rivets.
Double check that all the nylon rivets are fully inserted and secured in the holes.
Right panel installing
Right panel installing
Right panel installing
Right panel installing
Peel off the protective film from both sides of the side panel.
Po odstranění ochranné fólie je boční panel náchylnější k poškrábání. Postupujte opatrně.
Insert the side panel into the right frame.
Align the side panel holes with right frame holes.
Right panel securing
Right panel securing
Right panel securing
Right panel securing
Insert the nylon rivet from the outside through the right frame and side panel.
Secure the side panel with remaining 15 nylon rivets.
Double check that all the nylon rivets are fully inserted and secured in the holes.
Pohled zevnitř.
Pohled zvenku.
Left bumper installing
Left bumper installing
Left bumper installing
Left bumper installing
From the inside of the side frame, insert the M4x16r screw into the threaded hole and tighten fully.
Slide the protective bumper onto the screw from the outside of the side frame.
Insert the magnetic bumper onto the screw and tighten it.
Right bumper installing
Right bumper installing
Right bumper installing
Right bumper installing
From the inside of the side frame, insert the M4x16r screw into the threaded hole and tighten fully.
Slide the protective bumper onto the screw from the outside of the side frame.
Insert the magnetic bumper onto the screw and tighten it.
Left frame installing
Left frame installing
Left frame installing
Put the left frame next to the back panel.
Fit the perforation of the left frame into the cut-out on the back panel, and slide both pieces together as illustrated in the image to secure them.
Zajištění levého rámu
Zajištění levého rámu
Zajištění levého rámu
Připevněte panely třemi šrouby M4x5r z druhé strany pomocí 2,5mm inbusového klíče.
Carefully turn the assembly and secure the panels with three M4x5r screws from the back side of the panels using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Right frame installing
Right frame installing
Right frame installing
Gently turn the back panel back onto the larger side.
Put the right frame next to the back panel.
Fit the perforation of the right frame into the cut-out on the back panel, and slide both pieces together as illustrated in the image to secure them.
Zajištění pravého rámu
Zajištění pravého rámu
Zajištění pravého rámu
Připevněte panely třemi šrouby M4x5r z druhé strany pomocí 2,5mm inbusového klíče.
Carefully turn the assembly and secure the panels with three M4x5r screws from the back side of the panels using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Frame support securing
Frame support securing
Frame support securing
Frame support securing
Insert the frame support from the bottom side of the side frames. Note the logo orientation!
Secure the left side with three M4x5r screws using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Secure the right side with three M4x5r screws using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Top panel installing
Top panel installing
Top panel installing
Top panel installing
Peel off the protective film from both sides of the top panel.
Po odstranění ochranné fólie je boční panel náchylnější k poškrábání. Postupujte opatrně.
Insert the top panel into the frame assembly.
Place the top panel, so the bottom edge is on top of the frame support.
Place the top panel, so the top edge is under the top frame of the back panel.
Zajištění horního panelu
Zajištění horního panelu
While holding the top panel, insert the nylon rivets from the outside through the holes to secure the top panel in its position.
Filter and fan holder assembly
Filter and fan holder assembly
Filter and fan holder assembly
Filter and fan holder assembly
Place the fan holder with metal cutouts towards you.
Place the blower onto the filter-and-fan-holder.
Secure the blower with two M4x12b using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Filter and fan holder installing
Filter and fan holder installing
Filter and fan holder installing
Filter and fan holder installing
The fan and filter holder has two metal perforations, which fit into the back-panel cut-outs.
Fit the perforation on the fan and filter holder into the cut-out on the back panel, and slide it down as shown in the image to secure them.
Blower cable securing
Blower cable securing
Blower cable securing
Blower cable securing
Insert the whole blower cable through the hole in the back panel.
Take the zip-tie and insert it through the metal cut-out in the filter and fan holder.
Secure the blower cable with the zip-tie. Do not overtighten the zip-tie! Cut the end of the zip-tie.
HEPA filter installing
HEPA filter installing
HEPA filter installing
Insert the HEPA filter between the fan holder and the back panel, ensuring that the darker side of the filter (the side without the company text) is facing towards you.
Push the HEPA filter all the way in.
Filtration cover installing
Filtration cover installing
Filtration cover installing
Attach the filtration cover to the fan holder assembly. Note the logo orientation!
Secure the cover with four M4x5r screws using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Zajištění kabelu ventilátoru
Zajištění kabelu ventilátoru
Zajištění kabelu ventilátoru
Zajištění kabelu ventilátoru
Locate metal perforations.
Insert two zip-ties through the perforations and secure the cable. Do not overtighten the zip-ties! 
Cut the ends of the zip-ties.
The end of the fan cable will be secured later with LED strip add-on cable.
LED strip: parts preparation
LED strip: parts preparation
LED strip: parts preparation
Pro další kroky si prosím připravte:
LED difuzér (1x)
LED Stick Board (1x)
Držák desky LED (LED Stick bracket) (3x)
Šroub M3x18 (3x)
Matka M3n (3x)
Sestavení LED pásku
Sestavení LED pásku
Sestavení LED pásku
Sestavení LED pásku
Insert the M3n nut into the nut hole in the led-stick-bracket.
Prepare all three led-stick-brackets.
Attach the brackets onto the LED stick board. Mind the orientation of the LED stick board and the LED-stick-bracket. Look at the picture.
Vyvarujte se posouvání držáku po čipech a diodách! Může dojít k jeho fatálnímu poškození.
Remove the protective foil from the both sides of LED diffuser.
Slide the LED diffuser into the upper place in the LED-stick-brackets.
LED strip installing
LED strip installing
LED strip installing
Attach the assembled LED panel on the inner side of the right frame as shown.
Secure the LED panel from the outside of the right frame with three M3x18 screws using a 2.5mm Allen key.
LED strip cable securing
LED strip cable securing
LED strip cable securing
LED strip cable securing
Take the LED cable and connect one end to the LED stick board.
Insert three zip-ties through the perforations and secure the cable. Do not overtighten the zip-ties. Cut the ends of the zip-ties.
Insert five zip-ties through the perforations and secure the cable. Do not overtighten the zip-ties. Cut the ends of the zip-ties.
Enclosure cables securing
Enclosure cables securing
Enclosure cables securing
Insert zip-tie through the perforations and secure the cable. Do not overtighten the zip-tie. Cut the end of the zip-tie.
Secure the LED strip cable and the fan cable with three zip-ties. Do not overtighten the zip-tie. Cut the end of the zip-tie.
Insert the ends of the cables through the cut-out in the metal.
Door frame top: parts preparation
Door frame top: parts preparation
Door frame top: parts preparation
Door frame top: parts preparation
Pro další krok si prosím připravte:
Přední panel (1x)
Door frame support (1x)
Door frame top (1x)
Šroub M4x8r (5x)
Door frame top orientation
Door frame top orientation
Peel off the protective film from both sides of the front panel.
Po odstranění ochranné fólie je boční panel náchylnější k poškrábání. Postupujte opatrně.
Place the front panel with a short side towards you as illustrated in the image.
Door frame top assembly
Door frame top assembly
Door frame top assembly
Door frame top assembly
Attach the door frame support from the inside as described in the picture.
Attach the door frame top from the outside.
Do not overtighten the screws as this may cause the panel to crack!
Secure the support and the top with a M4x8r screw using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Zajistěte podpěru na vrchu s pomocí 2,5mm inbusového klíče a zbývajících šroubů M4x8r.
Nut cover assembly
Nut cover assembly
Nut cover assembly
Prepare one M4 nut cover.
Prepare one M4n nut.
Insert the M4n nut into the M4n nut cover.
Repeat this process for all remaining M4n nuts and M4n nut covers.
Door frame right installing
Door frame right installing
Door frame right installing
Attach the door frame right onto the front panel.
Do not overtighten the screws as this may cause the panel to crack!
Secure the panel with the M4x8r screw using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Door frame right securing: short side
Door frame right securing: short side
Door frame right securing: short side
Door frame right securing: short side
Insert the M4x8r screw into the hole.
Do not overtighten the screws as this may cause the panel to crack!
From the inside of the front panel, insert the M4n nut onto the screw.
Šroub zajistěte pomocí 2,5mm inbusového klíče.
Door frame left installing
Door frame left installing
Door frame left installing
Attach the door frame left onto the front panel.
Do not overtighten the screws as this may cause the panel to crack!
Secure the panel with an M4x8r screw using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Door frame left securing: short side
Door frame left securing: short side
Door frame left securing: short side
Door frame left securing: short side
Insert the M4x8r screw into the hole.
Do not overtighten the screws as this may cause the panel to crack!
From the inside of the front panel, insert the M4n nut onto the screw.
Šroub zajistěte pomocí 2,5mm inbusového klíče.
Door frame bottom installing
Door frame bottom installing
Door frame bottom installing
Attach the door frame bottom onto the front panel.
Do not overtighten the screws as this may cause the panel to crack!
Insert four M4x8r screws into the frame and secure them with M4 nuts using a 2.5mm Allen key.