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7. Nextruder & accessories assembly

7. Nextruder & accessories assembly

7. Nextruder & accessories assembly
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7. Nextruder & accessories assembly
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Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
T10 Torx key (T10 Torx screwdriver)
2.5 mm Allen key
3.0 mm Allen key
Right filament sensor
Right filament sensor
Right filament sensor
Right filament sensor
From the right side of the printer:
Insert the M3nEs nut into the extrusion.
Connect the filament sensor cable to the filament sensor.
Insert and tighten the M3x10 screw using a 2.5 mm Allen key.
You should now have both Side Filament sensors attached.
Guiding the Nextruder cable
Guiding the Nextruder cable
Carefully turn the printer 180° so that the PSU (Power Supply Unit) side is towards facing you.
Locate the long metal profile with five M3 holes inside the rear aluminium extrusion and push it to the left.
We'll use all M3 holes in the metal profile.
Maintain the position of the long metal profile for the next step. It must not move!
Attaching the Nextruder docks
Attaching the Nextruder docks
Attaching the Nextruder docks
Attaching the Nextruder docks
Place the xl-dock-cable-router on the bottom metal sheet below the aluminum extrusion.
There is a protruding screw from the xl-dock-cable-router. Attach the screw to the first screw hole on the long metal profile. Through the hole in the rear metal sheet, check if the cable holder is lined up with the hole.
Push the 2.5 mm Allen key all the way through the hole in the rear metal sheet until you reach the middle screw in the xl-dock-cable-router and tighten the screw.
The dock is a press fit, so the screw needs to be tightened very hard.
Remove the M3x10 screw using a 2.5 mm Allen key.
Attach all the remaining docks using the same procedure
Dock inspection
Dock inspection
Dock inspection
Check that the docks are properly tightened. The dock must not move. 
The dock is a press fit, so the screw needs to be tightened very hard.
Please watch the video in the next step for a better understanding.
The following instructions need to be done correctly and carefully. Achieve better understanding and successful assembly by watching the video alongside the guide.
Connecting the Nextruder cables
Connecting the Nextruder cables
Connecting the Nextruder cables
Locate the xl-rear-cable-management-plug (cover) on the rear of the printer.
Loosen two screws on the cover slightly. No need to remove them completely. Push the cover to the right and remove it from the printer.
Loosen four screws securing the electronics cover. Remove the cover.
The back of the printer is facing you.
Connect the first dock (from the right side) cable to the upper slot labeled DWARF 1.
Connect the second dock (from the right side) cable to the lower slot labeled DWARF 2.
Wi-fi antenna holder versions
Wi-fi antenna holder versions
Wi-fi antenna holder versions
The antenna connector is prepared by the manufacturer:
Version A: The Wi-Fi antenna holder is on the side. We haven't removed it.
The antenna connector has to be assembled by you:
Version B: The Wi-fi antenna is in the middle. Continue to the next step.
Installing the rear Wi-Fi antenna holder
Installing the rear Wi-Fi antenna holder
Installing the rear Wi-Fi antenna holder
Installing the rear Wi-Fi antenna holder
This step is only for the printer, which has a Wi-Fi antenna on the back of the printer. If you have the antenna on the side of the printer, proceed to the next step.
Push the antenna cable through the opening in the cable cover (metal sheet) and guide it behind the cover to the electronics box.
Attach the antenna-holder on the screws and push the cover to the left and tighten the screws.
Connect the antenna to the apporpiate slot on the XL Buddy board.
Connecting the Nextruder cables
Connecting the Nextruder cables
Connecting the Nextruder cables
Connecting the Nextruder cables
Do not take the XL-splitter board out of the printer, the photo is only a tool for connecting the Nextruder cables.
Connect the third, fourth and fifth (from the right) Nextruder to the splitter:
#3 Nextruder.
#4 Nextruder.
#5 Nextruder.
XL-splitter with connected Nextruders has to look like this.
XL buddy box covering
XL buddy box covering
XL buddy box covering
XL buddy box covering
Be carefull, do not pinch any cables!
Put the XL-buddy-box-cover back on the printer.
Check Nextruders cables, they have to be inside the cutout in the cover.
With a T10 key tighten the four screws.
Guiding the docks PTFE tubes
Guiding the docks PTFE tubes
Guiding the docks PTFE tubes
Guiding the docks PTFE tubes
Locate the left filament sensor.
Insert the first dock (from the right side) PTFE tube all the way into the upper hole in the part.
Insert the second dock (from the right side) PTFE tube all the way into the middle hole in the part.
Insert the third dock (from the right side) PTFE tube all the way into the lower hole in the part.
Guiding the docks PTFE tubes
Guiding the docks PTFE tubes
Guiding the docks PTFE tubes
Guiding the docks PTFE tubes
Locate the left filament sensor.
Insert the fourth dock (from the right side) PTFE tube all the way into the upper hole in the part.
Insert the fifth dock (from the right side) PTFE tube all the way into the middle hole in the part.
Installing the Wi-Fi antenna: parts preparation
Installing the Wi-Fi antenna: parts preparation
This step is only for the printer, which has a Wi-Fi antenna on the back of the printer.
For the following steps, please prepare:
Wi-Fi antenna (1x)
The Original Prusa XL is shipped with two versions of the Wi-Fi antenna, each with a different shape. The functionality is the same.
Installing the Wi-Fi antenna
Installing the Wi-Fi antenna
Installing the Wi-Fi antenna
This step is only for the printer, which has a Wi-Fi antenna on the back of the printer.
Locate the Wi-Fi antenna connector in the middle of the printer.
Screw the Wi-Fi antenna on the antenna connector. The antenna can be rotated around and bent in two directions.
We recommend pointing the antenna straight upwards.
Assembling the spool holder
Assembling the spool holder
Assembling the spool holder
Locate pins two pins on the spool-holder-base and line them with the rails in the spool-holder-slider.
Insert the spool-holder-base into the spool-holder-slider and push it through a little through the part.
Prepare all four spool holders.
Preparing the spool holder
Preparing the spool holder
Preparing the spool holder
Preparing the spool holder
Insert the M4x12 screw on the longer side of the 3mm Allen key.
Insert the 3mm Allen key with the M4x12 screw through the assembled spool holder to the prepared hole in the spool-holder-base.
The M4x12 screw has to protrude through the spool-holder-base.
Spool holder: left side assembly
Spool holder: left side assembly
Spool holder: left side assembly
Carefully turn the printer so that the side with the Filament sensor (with 3 PTFE tubes) is facing you.
Insert the second and third M4nEs nut in the extrusion. Insert the side with the spring (metal plate) first, then push the nut inside.
The M4nEs nuts are free to move, you can adjust the position as you want. But remember, the nuts must be slightly pushed in to smoothly move. Anyway, we recommend approximately the same position as you can see in the picture.
Attach and tighten the second and the third spool holder to the M4nEs nut using a 3 mm Allen key. Note that there is a protrusion on the spool-holder-mount, which must fit into the groove in the extrusion.
Do not use the spool holder as a handle!
Keep in mind that if you mount the Spool holder too high or too low, it may not fit the filament spool on it. There has to be enough space around it.
Spool holder: right side assembly
Spool holder: right side assembly
Spool holder: right side assembly
Turn the printer, so the Filament sensor (with two PTFE tubes) is facing you.
Insert the fourth and fifth M4nEs nut in the extrusion approximately to the same position as shown.
The M4nEs nuts are free to move, you can adjust the position as you want. But remember, the nuts must be slightly pushed in to smoothly move. Anyway, we recommend approximately the same position as you can see in the picture.
Attach and tighten the fourth and the fifth spool holder to the M4nEs nut using a 3 mm Allen key. Note that there is a protrusion on the spool-holder-base, which must fit into the groove in the extrusion.
Do not use the spool holder as a handle!
Keep in mind that if you mount the Spool holder too high or too low, it may not fit the filament spool on it. There has to be enough space around it.
Docking the Nextruder
Docking the Nextruder
Docking the Nextruder
Docking the Nextruder
Take the Nextruder and place it carefully next to the dock.
Place the two metal inserts through the white holes in the dock. The magnets will help you dock the Nextruder.
Well done, the first Nextruder is ready!
Dock the second, third, fourth and fifth Nextruder in the same way as the first.
Nextruder cable bundle assembly
Nextruder cable bundle assembly
Nextruder cable bundle assembly
Nextruder cable bundle assembly
Repeat this step for all tool heads:
Take the first dock Nextruder cable bundle.
Check that the cable bundle is not twisted!
Hook up the keyhole openings in the flexible plate of the cable bundle onto the screw heads and push it up to correct the position.
Nextruder cable bundle assembly
Nextruder cable bundle assembly
Nextruder cable bundle assembly
Nextruder cable bundle assembly
Repeat this step for all tool heads:

Insert the semi-transparent PTFE tube into the fitting on the Nextruder. Push it all the way in.

Attach the cable connector into the top of the Nextruder.
Starting from September 2024, you may receive a new black Fitting M5-4. The assembly and functionality remain identical to the blue one.
Assemble and connect all Nextruders.
Good job!
Nozzle seal height calibration
Nozzle seal height calibration
Nozzle seal height calibration
Starting from May 2024, you may receive a gray nozzle seal. The assembly and functionality remain identical to the red one.
The following image was made with the Nextruder and dock removed from the printer for better visibility of how it should be set. Please do not remove the docks from the printer and set the seal height with the dock still connected to the printer.
In the next step, we'll calibrate the height of the nozzle seal.
Using the 2.5 mm Allen key, tighten or untighten the M3x30 screw to calibrate the height of the nozzle seal.
Proceed to the next step.
Nozzle seal height calibration
Nozzle seal height calibration
Nozzle seal height calibration
If is the Nozzle seal too low or too high, we need to reposition its height.
Using a 2.5 mm Allen key:
Turn the M3x30 screw clockwise to set the Nozzle seal lower.
The correct position of the Nozzle seal is, that the Nozzle seal isn't bent and it is touching the nozzle.
Haribo time!
Haribo time!
Remaining fasteners
Remaining fasteners

Remaining fastener items:
- Terminal screw (1x)
- M3x6 (1x) 
M3x8 (1x) 
M3x8bT (1x) 
M3x8rT (2x) 
M3x10 (3x) 
- M3x12 (1x)
- M3x12bt (2x)
- M3x14 (1x)
- M3x20rT (2x)
- M3x30 (1x)
- M3x35 (2x)
- M4x12 (1x)
- M3nN (1x)
- M3nS (1x)
- Spring 15x5 (1x)

Almost done!
Almost done!
Congratulation! Your Original Prusa XL is ready to be fired up!
Compare the final look with the picture.
Now, let's go to the last chapter 8. First run
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