This guide is dedicated to the PTFE tubes for Multi Material Original Prusa printers.
PTFE tube specifications are listed below.
All the required tubes come with the current products already cut to size. For replacements, visit the Prusa E-shop.
However, if you need to make your own PTFE tubing, make sure to read the following guide carefully.
⬢For single material Original Prusa printers PTFE trimming guide, go to: PTFEチューブのトリミング方法 - Original Prusa プリンター
⬢For trimming, get a cutting tool with a thin blade. Use either razor or carpet knife. DON'T use a kitchen knife.
⬢For chamfering, we recommend to use a specific drill bit with appropriately angled conical head.
⬢Using the chamfering drill bit, we recommend using it by hand. If you use an electric drill, set it to low speed and press very gently.