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Heaters Timeout #31817 (CORE One) #26817 (MK4S) #13817 (MK4) #27817 (MK3.9S) #21817 (MK3.9) #28817 (MK3.5S) #23817 (MK3.5) #17817 (XL) #12817 (MINI)

Poslední aktualizace 12 hours ago
Tento článek je také dostupný v následujících jazycích: 

What happened?

As a safety feature, if our printers are in idle state, they automatically disable any heating after 30 minutes of inactivity. If this occurs, the printer shows the message "Heating disabled due to 30 minutes of inactivity".

Error name: Heaters Timeout

Error code: #31817 (CORE One) #26817 (MK4S) #13817 (MK4) #27817 (MK3.9S) #21817 (MK3.9) #28817 (MK3.5S) #23817 (MK3.5) #17817 (XL) #12817 (MINI)

Possible actions 

In case it is needed for the printer to be heated again, clear the message and heat the printer using LCD Menu   -> Control -> Temperature, or LCD Menu -> Preheat

If heating is not needed, we recommend clearing the message, and waiting for the printer to fully cool down at room temperature, before switching it off. 

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