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2. Unpacking the printer

2. Unpacking the printer

2. Unpacking the printer
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Poslední aktualizace 7 hours ago
2. Unpacking the printer
 Dostupné překlady
Příprava balíku
Příprava balíku
Příprava balíku
Příprava balíku
VAROVÁNÍ: Balík s tiskárnou je těžký - zacházejte s ním opatrně!
Open the package. On the top layer, you will find:
Tiskový plát
USB disk
Napájecí kabel
Remove these items from the package and place them in a safe spot for later use.
Remove the cardboard protection layer.
Take out the Prusament cardboard box and set it aside.
Odstranění krabice
Odstranění krabice
Odstranění krabice
Odstranění krabice
Notice the two cutouts (handles) on both sides of the cardboard layer. Bend them upward.
VAROVÁNÍ: Tiskárna je těžká - zacházejte s ní opatrně!
Grasp both handles and CAREFULLY lift the printer out of the box.
Tip: Ask someone to hold the bottom cardboard box in place to make it easier to lift the printer out.
Place the printer on a stable and clean surface.
Removing the protective foams
Removing the protective foams
Removing the protective foams
Remove the top protective foam from the printer.
VAROVÁNÍ: Balík s tiskárnou je těžký - zacházejte s ním opatrně!
Grasp both handles and CAREFULLY lift the printer from the bottom protective foam.
Tip: Ask someone to hold the bottom protective foam in place to make it easier to lift the printer out.
Remove the bottom foam.
Removing the cardboard layer
Removing the cardboard layer
Removing the cardboard layer
Removing the cardboard layer
Carefully turn the printer to its "natural standing position" with the orange door handle on the right side.
Detach the two ends of the cardboard protective layer from each other by pulling the upper layer out.
Fold down the cardboard protective layer away from the printer.
Now, you can completely remove the cardboard layer from the printer.
Removing the inside protections
Removing the inside protections
Removing the inside protections
Otevřete dvířka.
Locate two cardboard fixations on the X-axis. There is a notch on the underside that releases the fixation.
Pull the notch, release, and remove the fixation.
Using the same method, remove the second fixation.
Preparing the Tool pack
Preparing the Tool pack
Preparing the Tool pack
The tool pack is located on the right side of the printer.
Remove the cardboard tool pack from the printer.
Open the tool pack completely. Inside, you will find:
xLCD assembly package
Tools package - contents are described in the first chapter
Keep the content aside for later use. Now let's go to the next chapter: 3. Mounting the xLCD
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