The Prusa CORE One, and the Original Prusa MK4/S, MK3.9/S are equipped with a loadcell.
This component incorporated in the Nextruder heatsink detects if the nozzle is close enough to the steel sheet for printing.
The only adjustment needed for the loadcell is during the selftest. After that, the first layer calibration is always done automatically during the mesh bed leveling. This avoids any damage that would be caused by the nozzle digging into the steel sheet.
Below are our recommended steps for loadcell troubleshooting.
During the selftest, the loadcell is tested. The printer screen shows the instructions for testing it.
Alternatively, the loadcell testing can be initiated in LCD Menu -> Control -> Calibration & Tests -> Loadcell Test.
During the test, you will be asked to tap the nozzle at a specific time, and a progress bar shown on the screen is filled, depending on the pressure applied to the loadcell. Tapping of the nozzle can be done with a finger, as well as with a hard object.
If the bar is not filled, is filled irregularly, or the printer shows any errors, please contact our customer support.
Some of the Nextruder bolts, if too tight, might generate extra forces that can be sensed by the loadcell, skewing its readings, hence potentially causing the issue.
Check if slightly loosening the following bolts, while having the parts still tight and secured in place, can solve the issue.
On MK4S and MK3.9S, it is necessary to perform the following preliminary steps to access the hotend fan bolts.
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