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Prusa Printer Upgrades

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Original Prusa printers offer a range of upgrade options to keep your machine up-to-date with the latest features. This article overviews available upgrades for various models, including MK series printers, MMU, XL, and SL1/S models. Explore the upgrade paths for each product and find out how to enhance your printer.

You can find detailed step-by-step guides for each upgrade on our Help page.

MK series

The Original Prusa MK series printers can be upgraded to a variety of newer models. The oldest model eligible for an upgrade is the MK3, which can be upgraded to the MK3S+, MK3.9S, or MK4S.

To upgrade to the Original Prusa Upgrade MK3.5S it is necessary to have the MK3S or the MK3S+ printer. If you have the MK3, you can get the upgrade from the MK3/S to the MK3S+ and then upgrade it to the MK3.5S.

The MK4 can be upgraded to the MK4S, and the MK3.9 can be upgraded to the MK3.9S.

The only upgrade to CORE One is from the MK4S, so your printer needs to first be upgraded to an MK4S, then to the CORE One.

See below all of the direct upgrades available for the MK printers, and click on each one to find more information.

CORE One------------

MMU series

The oldest version of the Multi-Material Upgrade that can be upgraded to the MMU3 is the MMU2S for the MK3S+. The MMU3 is compatible with the MK3S+, the MK3.5/S, the MK3.9/MK4, and the MK3.9S/MK4S.

If you own the MK3S+, no further printer upgrades are required to install the MMU3.

For the other available models (MK3.5/S, MK3.9/MK4, MK3.9S/MK4S), additional upgrades may be needed before installing the MMU3.

Drop menu to choose the printer on the MMU Product page

The MMU3 unit can also be purchased as a kit or a pre-assembled unit for the MK3S/+, MK3.5/S, MK3.9S, and MK4S.
 MMU3 for MK4S/
MMU3 for MK4
MMU3 for MK3.5SMMU3 for MK3S+
MMU3 for MK3S+------
MMU2S for MK3S+

XL series

The Original Prusa XL can be purchased with one, two, or five toolchangers. It is possible to upgrade from single-tool to dual-head and five-head, and from dual-head to five-head. The upgrades can be sent with or without the tools for assembly.

 XL Five-HeadXL Dual-Head
XL Dual-Head---
XL Single-Tool

SL1/S series

The Original Prusa SL1 can be upgraded to the SL1S. 

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