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How to replace the Prusa Nozzle (CORE One)

How to replace the Prusa Nozzle (CORE One)

How to replace the Prusa Nozzle (CORE One)
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How to replace the Prusa Nozzle (CORE One)
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This guide will take you through the Prusa Nozzle replacement on your Prusa CORE One.
Las siguientes instrucciones son compatibles con todos los diámetros de las boquillas Prusa.
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Printer Preparation (Part 1)
Printer Preparation (Part 1)
Printer Preparation (Part 1)
Printer Preparation (Part 1)
Close the printer’s door.
Unload the filament. Visit the menu Filament and select Unload filament.
Descarga el filamento de la impresora.
Remove the filament spool from the printer.
Asegúrate de que la impresora se ha enfriado completamente.
On the printer screen, navigate to Preheat -> COOLDOWN and wait for the temperatures to drop to ambient levels. This may take several minutes.
Printer Preparation (Part 2)
Printer Preparation (Part 2)
Printer Preparation (Part 2)
Printer Preparation (Part 2)
Open the menu Control > Move Axis > Move Z and set it to 100 mm or more.
Wait until the heatbed moves down.
Turn the printer off using the switch on the back.
Disconnect the printer from power.
Top Cover Removal
Top Cover Removal
Top Cover Removal
Top Cover Removal
Open the printer. From the inside, reach for the nylon rivet on the front right of the top cover. Push it out to unlock it.
Then, remove the rivet from the outside.
On the far right side of the cover, remove the other nylon rivet using the same technique.
Remove the top cover.
Heatbed Protection
Heatbed Protection
Before proceeding any further, it is recommended to protect the heatbed first!
Use a piece of fabric or other material thick enough to cover the heatbed. This will ensure you won't damage (scratch) the surface during the process.
Nextruder Uncovering
Nextruder Uncovering
Nextruder Uncovering
Let’s move onto the left side of the Nextruder.
Using the T10 key, remove the two M3x12rT screws holding the side cover.
Remove the cover.
Cables Disconnecting
Cables Disconnecting
Cables Disconnecting
Cables Disconnecting
Each connector has a safety latch. It is necessary to press the latch before disconnecting. Otherwise, the connector may get damaged.
Desconecta el cable del calefactor del hotend.
Desconecta el cable del termistor del hotend.
Hotend Assembly Removal
Hotend Assembly Removal
Hotend Assembly Removal
Hotend Assembly Removal
Retira los cables del hotend de la guía de cables.

Grasp the hotend with your hand.

Utiliza la otra mano para aflojar los dos tornillos de pulgar. No es necesario retirarlos por completo, basta con darles unas vueltas.
Cuidado, ¡el conjunto del hotend puede caerse!
Extrae el conjunto del hotend del disipador térmico.
Prusa Nozzle Removal
Prusa Nozzle Removal
Prusa Nozzle Removal
Prusa Nozzle Removal
Remove the silicone sock from the heater block.
Use the 13-16 wrench to hold the heater block securely.
Use the 7mm cutout in the universal wrench to grasp and loosen the nozzle.
Manually unscrew and remove the Prusa nozzle from the hotend assembly.
Prusa Nozzle Installation
Prusa Nozzle Installation
Prusa Nozzle Installation
Prusa Nozzle Installation
Screw the new nozzle fully into the heater block until it touches the heater block surface.
Hold the heater block securely using the 13-16 wrench.
Use the 7mm cutout in the universal wrench to tighten the nozzle against the heater block. Avoid applying excessive force!
El valor de par especificado es 1.5 Nm (13.3 lb-in). Se recomienda utilizar una llave dinamométrica.
Optionally, install the silicone sock.
Preparación Piezas Conjunto Hotend
Preparación Piezas Conjunto Hotend
Para los siguientes pasos, por favor prepara:
Hotend assembly (1x)
The CORE One hotend assembly has a Nextruder Silicone Sock installed by default. It is optional, and you can remove it at any time.
Para más información, lee el artículo Calcetín de Silicona del Nextruder.
La boquilla predeterminada de la CORE One es la HF de 0.4mm, (versión de Alto Flujo) etiquetada CHT
Hotend Insertion
Hotend Insertion
Hotend Insertion
Hotend Insertion

Locate the corresponding opening on the bottom of the extruder heatsink and fully insert the hotend into the heatsink.

At the same time, keep the hotend cables pointing to the front, at a slight angle.

The assembly must fit into the recess in the fan shroud with appropriate clearance
Keep pushing the hotend assembly upward and tighten both thumbscrews to secure it in place.
Asegúrate de que el hotend está completamente insertado en el disipador. Debe alinearse como se muestra en la imagen y no debe sobresalir por debajo de la cubierta del ventilador.
Nozzle Insertion Check
Nozzle Insertion Check
Comprueba que la boquilla está completamente insertada en el disipador. El anillo de cobre de la boquilla no debe ser visible si está correctamente asentada.
Si no se inserta completamente, puede provocar una transferencia de calor deficiente y, potencialmente, atascos en la boquilla.
To adjust the nozzle position, loosen the thumbscrews, reposition the nozzle, and then retighten the screws, while pushing the hotend assembly up.
Hotend Cables Guidance
Hotend Cables Guidance
Locate the cable guide (plastic hook) behind the thumb screws. Guide the thermistor cable through the channel first. Then insert the hotend heater cable.
Cables Connection
Cables Connection
Cables Connection
Cables Connection
Conecta el termistor del hotend a la ranura superior izquierda de la LoveBoard.
Conecta el calentador del hotend a la ranura negra de la parte superior de la LoveBoard.
Nextruder Cover
Nextruder Cover
Nextruder Cover
Nextruder Cover
Organize the cables to ensure they do not protrude.
Attach the cover to the left side of the Nextruder assembly.
Using the T10 Torx key, fix the cover in place with two M3x12rT screws.
Remove the protective material from the heatbed.
Top Cover
Top Cover
Top Cover
Now, we can reinstall the top cover.
Align the cover with the metal frame in the far-right corner.
Align the cover with the recess in the front part as well
Secure the cover in place using two nylon rivets in the marked openings.
Nozzle Set Up
Nozzle Set Up
Nozzle Set Up
Nozzle Set Up
This step is important only if you changed your nozzle diameter or type.
Visit the Settings > Hardware > Printhead menu
Select the Nozzle diameter you are using (e.g. 0.25 / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5 / 0.6 / 0.8)
En la CORE One, 0.40 mm es el diámetro de la boquilla por defecto.
Activa la opción de Calcetín de silicona si estás utilizando uno.
Selecciona un tipo de boquilla.
En la CORE One, la boquilla High Flow es la predeterminada.
Final check
Final check
Final check
To verify the connections, navigate to Control > Temperature > Nozzle Temperature and set it to above 200°C.
Return to the main screen and check the bottom bar to ensure the temperature is rising as expected.
Great job! You can now resume using your printer.
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