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Advanced filtration system (add-on)


Advanced filtration system (add-on)

Advanced filtration system (add-on)
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Ultima actualización 3 months ago
Advanced filtration system (add-on)
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Additional tools
Additional tools
Tools that are not included but can make assembly easier, especially when installing add-ons.
Additional tools:
Side cutters for cutting zip ties and removing the nylon rivets
Optional parts
Optional parts
Optional parts
Hemos diseñado mejoras que no se incluyen por defecto en el kit, pero puede imprimirlas y añadirlas a la caja durante el montaje. Las fijaciones ya están incluidas en el kit.
Imprime las piezas antes de empezar el montaje.
To see the full list of the parts, please visit our collection at
Disconnecting the cables
Disconnecting the cables
Disconnecting the cables
Pull the power cord handle towards you to release and disconnect the power cord from the back of the printer.
If the space is difficult to access, move the printer closer to the front, avoiding scratches on the panels.
If necessary, disconnect an ethernet cable.
Disconnect the USB extension cable from the right side of the printer.
Uninstalling the printer
Uninstalling the printer
Uninstalling the printer
Uninstalling the printer
From the front side of the MINI Enclosure:
Move the heatbed towards you.
Carefully take the printer.
Carefully pull the printer out of the MINI Enclosure with the base facing backwards. Be EXTRA CAREFUL when doing this:
Ensure the X-end and aluminum Z-axis profile pass through the right and left cutouts of the front opening. Use EXTRA CAUTION to avoid damaging the printer or enclosure.
Hold the heatbed with your left hand to prevent it from sliding down and getting damaged on the bottom plate.
During pulling out the printer, look carefully at all sides of the printer to ensure that nothing is in the way (e.g., cables, motors, etc.).
Ensure that no parts of the printer touch the side panels to avoid scratches.
Put the printer aside.
Assembling the filtration
Assembling the filtration
Assembling the filtration
Assembling the filtration
Coloca el Filter-Bracket como en la imagen y empuja la llave Allen a través del agujero como puede ver.
Coloca el tornillo M3x8 en la punta de la llave Allen.
Con la llave Allen, introduce el tornillo hasta el final en el orificio frontal del soporte. El tornillo debe sobresalir parcialmente.
Assembling the filtration
Assembling the filtration
Assembling the filtration
Tighten the damper on the screw.
Repite el mismo procedimiento para instalar el segundo amortiguador.
Assembling the filtration
Assembling the filtration
Assembling the filtration
Using the Allen key, push the M3x8 screw through the protrusion on the other side of the Filter-Bracket.
Leave the marked hole empty.
Tighten the damper on the screw.
Installing the blower
Installing the blower
Installing the blower
Installing the blower
Coloca la junta tórica del Ventilador en el Filter-Bracket.
Inserte el Ventilador de Alta Presión en el Filter-Bracket que el soplador del ventilador esté orientado hacia los agujeros hexagonales de la pieza impresa.
Une ambas partes con dos tornillos avellanados M4x16b.
Inserting the HEPA filter
Inserting the HEPA filter
Abre la bolsa del filtro y retira el filtro HEPA.
Manipula el filtro con precaución. Si la superficie HEPA (la superficie plisada blanca) está dañada, el filtro perderá su eficacia. Protéjete las manos cuando retires el filtro usado y mételo en una bolsa de plástico. Un filtro saturado no es reciclable.
Inserting the HEPA filter
Inserting the HEPA filter
Inserting the HEPA filter
Inserting the HEPA filter
Oriente el conjunto de filtración según la imagen. Asegúrate de que los dos soportes están orientados hacia ti y que el cable apunta hacia la izquierda.
Asegúrate de que el filtro HEPA ya está extraído de la bolsa.
Desde la izquierda, empuja el filtro HEPA hasta el final en el Filter-Bracket. Ten en cuenta la orientación del filtro.
Installing the filtration
Installing the filtration
Installing the filtration
Installing the filtration
From the inside, remove the nylon rivet on the left upper corner.
Hint: use a Side cutters from inside the enclosure to push the nylon rivet out
From the inside, attach the filtration to the rear side of the Enclosure "frame" so that all three screws go through the holes.
Secure all three damper screws by tightening three thumb nuts.
Guiding the add-on cables: filtration cable
Guiding the add-on cables: filtration cable
Guiding the add-on cables: filtration cable
Guide the zip tie thought the perforation in the top panel near the filtration.
Using this zip tie, secure the filtration cable. Do not overtighten the zip tie, as it may cause fatal damage to the cable.
In the same way, secure the cable to the four perforations in the left rear profile. Do not overtighten the zip ties, as it may cause fatal damage to the cable.
Leave the rest of the cable free for now.
Fuente de alimentación: preparación de las piezas
Fuente de alimentación: preparación de las piezas
Fuente de alimentación: preparación de las piezas
From October 2024 you may receive two different manufacturers of the PSU, the pictures may be different but the assembly process is the same.
Para los siguientes pasos, por favor prepara:
PSU (1x)
Zip tie (7x)
Releasing the rear foot
Releasing the rear foot
Releasing the rear foot
Slightly loosen the left screw behind the circle hole.
Release and remove the right screw. Don't throw the screw away!
Remove the printer PSU cable from the rear hole.
Reposition the foot as shown in the picture. Keep the cable in the cable channel.
Guiding the PSU cable
Guiding the PSU cable
Guiding the PSU cable
Exercise caution when handling anything inside the enclosure. There are sharp metal plates, so avoid injury.
Insert the PSU cable with the ferrite core through the circular hole at the rear of the Enclosure.
The ferrite core is smaller than the hole, slowly push it through the hole.
Guide the PSU cable with the connector through the front circle hole out of the Enclosure.
Securing the rear foot
Securing the rear foot
Securing the rear foot
Insert the printer PSU cable back through the rear hole.
Close the foot back to its original position and align the holes in the foot and Enclosure.
Tip: You can inspect the position through the Top window panel.
After aligning the hole, secure the foot by inserting back the M3x12 screw.
Fully tighten the left screw.
Releasing the front foot
Releasing the front foot
Releasing the front foot
Releasing the front foot
Release and remove both M3x12 screws.
Reposition the foot as shown. Push the PSU cable into the cable channel.
Push the PSU cable into the cable channel.
Close the foot back to its original position and align the holes.
Secure the foot by inserting back the M3x12 screws and tighten them firmly.
Securing the PSU cable
Securing the PSU cable
Securing the PSU cable
Exercise caution when handling anything inside the enclosure. There are sharp metal plates, so avoid injury.
Guide the cable along the rear side of the Enclosure and secure it using three zip ties through the perforations. Do not overtighten the zip ties, you can damage the cable.
Guide the PSU cable along with the FAN cable on the left side of the Enclosure and secure it with the three zip-ties. Do not overtighten the zip ties, you can damage the cables.
If you have installed the Advanced Filtration System, guide the filtration cable together with the PSU cable. Secure it with one extra zip tie in the left corner. Do not overtighten the zip tie, you can damage the cables.
Basic Board: parts preparation
Basic Board: parts preparation
Basic Board: parts preparation
Para los siguientes pasos, por favor prepara:
Cubierta Placa Básica (1x)
Basic board (1x)
Arandela de seguridad dentada M3w (2x)
M3nS nut (2x)
M3x12 screw (2x)
Installing the Basic Board
Installing the Basic Board
Installing the Basic Board
Installing the Basic Board
Monta la tuerca M3nS en el tornillo M3x12. Fíjala en unas roscas en la punta del tornillo.
Empuja el tornillo con la tuerca hasta el final en el agujero de la misma forma dentro de la Cubierta de la Placa Básica.
Retira el tornillo de la tuerca.
Installing the Basic Board
Installing the Basic Board
Installing the Basic Board
Installing the Basic Board
Usa el mismo procedimiento para ambos huecos de la Cubierta de la Placa Básica.
If you already have an LED strip panel installed, leave the LED cable in the Basic board slot labeled LED.
Connect the filtration cable to the Basic Board slot labeled FAN.
Place the Basic Board into the Basic Board Cover and align the holes on both parts.
Mounting the Basic Board
Mounting the Basic Board
Mounting the Basic Board
Mounting the Basic Board
From the inside the Enclosure, insert two M3x12 screw through the front profile.
Coloca dos arandelas dentadas M3w en los tornillos.
Take the Basic Board assembly and align the holes with the screws in the profile.
Attach the Basic Board assembly to the screws and tighten the screws from the inside.
Connecting the Basic Board
Connecting the Basic Board
Connecting the Basic Board
Connect the external PSU cable to the basic board from the left side.
It is recommended to make a loop with the excess cable and secure it with a zip tie. This way, the cable will not get in the way. Do not overtighten the zip ties, you can damage the cable.
PSU holder clarification (optional)
PSU holder clarification (optional)
PSU holder clarification (optional)
PSU holder clarification (optional)
These steps are only for LED strip and Advanced filtration system owners only. The smaller PSU space is for those with additional PSU. Otherwise, skip to Door hinges: parts preparation
PSU holder is not included in the package, you will need to print it out from
Before starting printing, check what type of PSU you have!
XP PSU: This PSU is larger than the Delta PSU. You will need the Current-PSU-holder-XP, Add-on PSU-holder-A-XP and Add-on PSU-holder-B-XP.
Delta PSU: This PSU is smaller than the XP PSU. You will need the Current-PSU-holder, Add-on PSU-holder-A and Add-on PSU-holder-B.
PSU holder: parts preparation (optional)
PSU holder: parts preparation (optional)
PSU holder: parts preparation (optional)
PSU holder: parts preparation (optional)
These steps are only for LED strip and Advanced filtration system owners only. The smaller PSU space is for those with additional Delta PSU. Otherwise, skip to 
Installing the printer
Para los siguientes pasos, por favor prepara:
PSU-holder (1x) this part is not included in the package, you will need to print it out from
Add-on PSU-holder-A (1x) this part is not included in the package, you will need to print it out from
Add-on PSU-holder-B (1x) this part is not included in the package, you will need to print it out from
M3x8 screw (2x)
M3n nut (2x)
Zip-tie (1x)
PSU holder preparation (optional)
PSU holder preparation (optional)
PSU holder preparation (optional)
These steps are only for LED strip and Advanced filtration system owners only. The smaller PSU space is for those with additional Delta PSU.
Attach the Add-on PSU-holder-A to the rails on the PSU-holder.
Attach the Add-on PSU-holder-B to the rails on the PSU-holder.
Attaching the PSU holder (optional)
Attaching the PSU holder (optional)
Attaching the PSU holder (optional)
Attaching the PSU holder (optional)
Remove the nylon rivet on the left bottom corner.
Hint: use a pliers from inside the enclosure to push the nylon rivet out
From the inside of the enclosure, insert two M3x8 screws through the cut-outs.
Attach the PSU-holder on the screws.
Secure the screws from the inside.
Securing the PSUs (optional)
Securing the PSUs (optional)
Securing the PSUs (optional)
Securing the PSUs (optional)
Insert the printer PSU into the PSU-holder.
Insert the add-on PSU into the PSU-holder.
Secure the cables together with a zip-tie.
Installing the printer
Installing the printer
Installing the printer
Installing the printer
Carefully insert the printer inside the enclosure with its base facing forward. When doing so, be EXTRA CAREFUL to:
Ensure the X-end and aluminum Z-axis profile pass through the right and left cutouts of the front opening. Use EXTRA CAUTION to avoid damaging the printer or enclosure.
Hold the heatbed with your left hand to prevent it from sliding down and getting damaged on the bottom plate.
During insertion, carefully watch all sides of the printer to ensure nothing is in the way (e.g., cables, motors, etc.).
Carefully place the printer on its feet. We will adjust the exact position later on.
Ensure that no parts of the printer touch the side panels to avoid scratches.
Adjusting printer position
Adjusting printer position
Rearrange position of the printer like in the picture. The printer must be placed between all three anti-slip dampers.
Connecting the cables
Connecting the cables
Connecting the cables
From the back of the printer, connect the PSU power cable. See the correct orientation of the cable.
If the space is difficult to access, move the printer closer to the front, avoiding scratches on the panels.
If necessary, connect an ethernet cable, which is optional.
Connect the USB extension cable from the right side of the printer.
Montaje del brazo lateral
Montaje del brazo lateral
Montaje del brazo lateral
Inserta el brazo lateral en la pieza Spool-holder-r y gira en sentido contrario de las agujas del reloj para bloquearla.
Connecting the cables
Connecting the cables
Connecting the cables
From the back of the printer, connect the PSU power cable. See the correct orientation of the cable.
If the space is difficult to access, move the printer closer to the front, avoiding scratches on the panels.
If necessary, connect an ethernet cable, which is optional.
Connect the USB extension cable from the right side of the printer.
Connecting the PSUs
Connecting the PSUs
Connecting the PSUs
Connect the plug ends to the PSUs.
Connect the second end of the power cord Y-splitter to the power cable.
That's it
That's it
That's it! Well done. You have successfully installed the Advanced filtration system in your Original Prusa MINI Enclosure. Now let's put it to the test.
On the Basic board cover, press the FILTER button.
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