
Printables.com Messenger rules

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We want Printables to be a safe and welcoming place for everyone. While you are welcome to send anyone on Printables a message using the built-in messenger, there are rules and guidelines you must follow.

Failing to follow these rules can result in a permanent ban of your account together with the deletion of all your activity on the site.

Be kind and respect others

Giving constructive feedback is good. Being unnecessarily mean isn’t. Make sure you take the time to evaluate what you are doing before you send the message.

Sexually objectifying, creeping on, describing violent actions toward, describing your physical reactions to, or otherwise dehumanizing the message recipient is prohibited. Any incitement to terrorism or child abuse is also prohibited.

Don't do anything that might make someone feel like they don't belong. This includes generalizations of types of people, hate speech, or discriminatory language based on gender, religion, ethnicity, sex or socioeconomic background.

No spam or unwanted offers

No advertising, spam, or requests for views, likes, follows, subscriptions or donations are allowed.

No illegal file distribution

The Printables.com messenger lets you share images, videos, and several other file types with others. This functionality allows designers and their fans to share model ideas, Arduino code prototypes, and other 3D printing and 3D modeling related file sharing. Using the file sharing functionality to distribute any illegal content is strictly prohibited.

Remember that these rules exist not only to the letter but in spirit as well. If our moderators feel like you have violated even the intention of these rules, you may face punishment.

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