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Tune menu (XL)

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Last updated a year ago
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Starting accidentally another action during the print (e.g. XYZ calibration, switching sheet profiles) can cause damage to the printer. This is why during the entire printing phase most of the menu items are unavailable. The safety of the user and the printer is the biggest priority. 

However, some information can be shown, and some parameters can be adjusted (e.g. temperatures, flow, sound mode) and those are shown in a special list called "Tune menu". Below is a list of items from the Tune menu on the Original Prusa XL: 

  • Change filament
  • Print speed 
  • Nozzle temperature
  • Heatbed temperature
  • Print fan speed
  • Flow factor
  • Filament sensor [on-off]
  • Sound mode [loud-silent-assist-once]
  • Fan check [on-off]
  • Crash detection [on-off]
  • Crash sensitivity XY [low-medium-high]
  • User interface 
    • Footer
    • Sort files [time-name]
    • Menu timeout [on-off]
    • Sound mode [loud-silent-assist-once]
    • Heat up bed during filament operations [on-off]
    • RGB status bar [on-off]
  • Network
    • PrusaLink
    • Prusa Connect
    • Default [Eth-WiFi]
    • IPv4 address
    • MAC address
    • Ethernet
    • Wi-Fi
  • Time zone offset [h]
  • Info
    • Sensor Info
    • Version Info
    • Print statistics
  • Version info
    • FW version
    • Bootloader version
    • Buddy board
    • Serial number
  • Message history
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