• English

Colour bleeding

Colour bleeding
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Poslední aktualizace 3 years ago
Colour bleeding
 Dostupné překlady
Issue description
Issue description
Tato příručka je zastaralá. Další informace o tomto tématu naleznete na stránce Objemy čištění (MMU).
Issue is well known that it leaves traces of previously used colour in each layer as you can see in the picture.
For some filaments or color combinations ( such as black color together with white color ) additional wipe area might be needed. The default value works with most materials and color combinations.
Fix (newer version)
Fix (newer version)
Fix (newer version)
Pro tento krok potřebujete Slic3r PE 1.35.1 nebo novější. Software je součástí balíčku ovladačů prusa3d.com/drivers/
Open Slic3r PE with your model and switch to tab "Print Settings".
Increase the value "Per color change depth" by few millimeters.
Process the G-code again and save it on your SD Card.
Please keep in mind that increasing wipe width causes longer print times and higher material consumption.
Fix (older version)
Fix (older version)
Fix (older version)
This step is no longer needed if you have installed Slic3r PE 1.35.1 or newer.
Turn on "Advanced mode" by checking highlighted box.
Increase "Width of wipe" by few millimeters.
Process the G-code again.
Please keep in mind that increasing wipe width causes longer print times and higher material consumption.
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