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1. Introduction

1. Introduction
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Last updated 3 years ago
1. Introduction
Very easy
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Labels guide
Labels guide
All the boxes and bags including parts for the build are labelled.
Number (or numbers) in the header tells you for which chapter you'll need that bag (or box).
Spare bag
Spare bag
Every type of fastener is included in a separate special bag.
If you lose a screw when building, use one from this bag.
View high resolution images
View high resolution images
When you browse the guide on help.prusa3d.com, you can view the original images in high resolution for clarity.
Just hover your cursor over the image and click the Magnifier button ("View original") in the top left corner.
Printed parts - versioning
Printed parts - versioning
Starting with Original Prusa i3 MK3 most of the printed parts are marked with their version.
In case you have issues while assembling the printer with the certain printed part, please try to find this label and tell it to our support team.
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