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Prusa Connect & PrusaLink

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  • Prusa Connect and PrusaLink explained

    Prusa Connect and PrusaLink explained

    Prusa Connect and PrusaLink are two remote printing solutions developed in-house by Prusa. Its origin is in the management system used in our record-sized print farm located in Prague HQ. Prusa ...

  • Prusa Connect Local (MINI)

    Prusa Connect Local (MINI)

    ATTENTION: This article is obsolete and no longer maintained. Please update your MINI/MINI+ to the latest available firmware and then use newer web user interface PrusaLink.   Starting the firmware 4.0.5, you ...

  • Sending G-codes to printer via network (PrusaConnect, PrusaLink, Octoprint)

    Sending G-codes to printer via network (PrusaConnect, PrusaLink, Octoprint)

    PrusaSlicer separates the printer connection settings from the Printer profile into a Physical printer profile. You can create a new Physical profile by clicking Add printer in the printer profile select box ...

  • Connecting Original Prusa SL1/SL1S to PrusaSlicer

    Connecting Original Prusa SL1/SL1S to PrusaSlicer

    Thanks to the advanced operating system available on the Original Prusa SL1/SL1S SPEED printer, the user is able to transfer the sliced .sl1 or .sl1s files directly from the PrusaSlicer. ...

  • Camera compatibility (RPi + PrusaLink)

    Camera compatibility (RPi + PrusaLink)

    PrusaLink for Original Prusa MK2.5/S or MK3/S/+ printers is powered by an Raspberry Pi (RPi) board. A camera can be connected to it either using CSI or USB connection. Alternatively, the same camera ...

  • PrusaLink (SL1/SL1S)

    PrusaLink (SL1/SL1S)

    Via the web interface called PrusaLink, you can monitor and control your Original Prusa SL1/SL1S over your local network. You will be able to: Upload project files. Start and stop prints. Manage projects ...

  • Prusa Connect - Camera API

    Prusa Connect - Camera API

    Prusa Connect's Open API allows for seamless integration of third-party cameras, allowing you to link your camera to the given printer in Prusa Connect to retrieve images (snapshots). The documentation provides instructions ...

  • Connect Registration Failed

    Connect Registration Failed

    What happened?  During the configuration of Prusa Connect on the Original Prusa MINI/+, MK4, MK3.9, MK3.5 or XL an error on this configuration can occur and the printer shows the message ...

  • Connect Registration Failed #13401 (MK4)

    Connect Registration Failed #13401 (MK4)

    What happened?  During the configuration of Prusa Connect on the Original Prusa MK4, an error on this configuration can occur and the printer shows the message "Registration to Prusa Connect failed ...

  • Connect Registration Failed #12401 (MINI)

    Connect Registration Failed #12401 (MINI)

    What happened?  During the configuration of Prusa Connect on the Original Prusa MINI/+, an error on this configuration can occur and the printer shows the message "Registration to Prusa Connect failed ...

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