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2. YZ - axis assembly

2. YZ - axis assembly
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Last updated 9 months ago
2. YZ - axis assembly
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Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
2.0mm Allen key
2.5 mm 六角レンチ
3.0mm Allen key
Needle-nose pliers
Universal wrench
Y-carriage: parts preparation
Y-carriage: parts preparation
All the printed parts and fasteners needed for this chapter are included in the box: YZ & X-axis
Y-carriage (1x)
M3nN ナイロンロックナット (6個)
M3x10r screw (6x)
Bearing clip (3x)
Linear bearing LM8UU (3x) included in the Rods package
The list continues in the next step...
Yキャリッジ: 部品の準備(潤滑)
Yキャリッジ: 部品の準備(潤滑)
Yキャリッジ: 部品の準備(潤滑)
Prusa lubricant (1x)
Lubricating the bearing
Lubricating the bearing
Lubricating the bearing
Lubricating the bearing
Lubricating the bearing
Lubricating the bearing
Lubricating the bearing
Lubricating the bearing
Correct bearing orientation
Correct bearing orientation
Correct bearing orientation
Correct bearing orientation
正しい方向: ベアリングを Yキャリッジに配置するときは、両方の写真に示されている方向に合わせてください。 トラック (ボールの列) は側面にある必要があります。
The incorrect orientation: Avoid placing the bearing like in the last picture! This orientation with a single row of balls in the center of the hole will later increase the wear of the smooth rod, possibly creating a groove in it.
ベアリング を Y キャリッジ に取り付ける
ベアリング を Y キャリッジ に取り付ける
ベアリング を Y キャリッジ に取り付ける
ベアリング を Y キャリッジ に取り付ける
Insert linear bearing in the center of the cutout. It doesn't matter which side. The top side and bottom side are the same.
2mm の六角レンチとユニバーサルレンチを使用して、両方のナットを締め付けます。
このステップを、残りの 2つ の リニアベアリング にも繰り返します。
Heatbed spacers: parts preparation
Heatbed spacers: parts preparation
Heatbed spacers: parts preparation
Heatbed spacer (9x)
M3x8 screw (9x)
MINI-Y-belt-holder (1x)
M3x12 screw (2x)
Installing the heatbed spacers
Installing the heatbed spacers
Installing the heatbed spacers
Installing the heatbed spacers
Insert the M3x8 screw from the bottom of the Y-carriage (the side with bearings).
Screw the heatbed spacer onto the screw from the top side of the Y-carriage and tighten it with the universal wrench and 2.5mm Allen key. Tighten it firmly, but gently!
Use this procedure for all 9 heatbed spacers.
Place the MINI-Y-belt-holder on the bottom side of the Y-carriage.
Orient the holder so that the side with the teeth faces the side with one bearing!!!
Double-check the MINI-Y-belt holder orientation!!!
Secure it with two M3x12 screws. There is no need of a nut on the opposite side. There are threads in the Y-carriage.
Y-axis front: parts preparation
Y-axis front: parts preparation
MINI-Y-plate-front (1x) with Original Prusa MINI logo on the front
M5x20r screw (4x)
Comparison of extrusions
Comparison of extrusions
Take all the extrusions and compare their lengths.
You will need two shorter (262 mm) extrusions for the Y-axis assembly.
Mounting the Y-plate-front
Mounting the Y-plate-front
Mounting the Y-plate-front
Mounting the Y-plate-front
Place the short extrusion to the left "inner" side of the MINI-Y-plate-front. See the protrusion on the plastic part. Do not place the extrusion directly on the protrusion on the left. There must be a gap. See the picture.
Slide the extrusion onto the plastic part so that the protrusion fits in the extrusion.
Secure both parts with two M5x20r screws. When tightening the M5x20r screws, push on the extrusion from above.
Mounting the MINI-Y-plate-front
Mounting the MINI-Y-plate-front
Mounting the MINI-Y-plate-front
Mounting the MINI-Y-plate-front
Place the short extrusion to the right "inner" side of the MINI-Y-plate-front. See the protrusion on the plastic part.
Slide the extrusion onto the plastic part so that the protrusion fits in the extrusion.
Secure both parts with two M5x20r screws. When tightening the M5x20r screws, push on the extrusion from above.
Y-belt-idler: parts preparation
Y-belt-idler: parts preparation
MINI-Y-idler (1x)
Pulley 623 2Z (1x)
M3nN ナイロンロックナット (1個)
M3nS nut (2x)
M3x20 screw (3x)
Preparing MINI-Y-belt-idler
Preparing MINI-Y-belt-idler
Preparing MINI-Y-belt-idler
Preparing MINI-Y-belt-idler
Take the MINI-Y-belt-idler and insert the M3nS nut from one side.
Turn the idler 180° and insert the M3nS nut from the other side.
Insert the M3nN nut into the hexagonal hole on the side. Push the nut as far down as possible.
Always make sure that all M3nS nuts are inserted all the way down into the holes.
Preparing MINI-Y-belt-idler
Preparing MINI-Y-belt-idler
Preparing MINI-Y-belt-idler
Insert the pulley in the MINI-Y-belt-idler. The orientation of the pulley doesn't matter.
Secure the bearing with the M3x20 screw. Don't fully tighten the screw.
Place your finger on the bearing and ensure it can rotate freely. If needed, adjust the screw.
Mounting the MINI-Y-belt-idler
Mounting the MINI-Y-belt-idler
Mounting the MINI-Y-belt-idler
Place the MINI-Y-belt-idler on the MINI-Y-plate-front. See the orientation of the part according to the picture.
Secure the MINI-Y-belt-idler with two M3x20 screws.
Do not tighten the screws at this time. Leave a gap of 1-2 mm between the MINI-Y-belt-idler and the MINI-Y-plate-front.
Y-axis smooth rods: parts preparation
Y-axis smooth rods: parts preparation
Y-axis smooth rods: parts preparation
Smooth rods (2x)
There are two sizes of the smooth rods. Prepare two rods with the smaller diameter (8 mm) now. Smooth rods with a larger diameter (10 mm) will be used later.
M3nE nut (3x)
Assembling the Y-carriage
Assembling the Y-carriage
NOW, PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL! Gently insert the rod straight into the bearings. Do not apply too much force and do not tilt the rod!
Mounting the Y-carriage
Mounting the Y-carriage
Mounting the Y-carriage
Place the Y-carriage on the extrusions. The side with one bearing must face to the left.
Gently slide the smooth rods into the holes in the MINI-Y-plate-front. Start with the left rod, then the right one.
Insert two M3nE into the side groove of the left extrusion (side with one bearing on the Y-carriage).
Insert one M3nE nut into the upper groove of the left extrusion (side with one bearing on the Y-carriage).
Before proceeding to the next step, make sure you have inserted all three M3nE nuts. Later insertion is difficult.
Don't forget to wipe off the residue of the grease on the smooth rods with a paper towel.
Y-axis rear: parts preparation
Y-axis rear: parts preparation
Y-axis rear: parts preparation
MINI-Y-plate-rear (1x)
M5x20r screw (4x)
Y-axis motor (1x)
M3x12 screw (3x)
Pulley T16-2GT (1x)
Y-axis motor assembly
Y-axis motor assembly
Y-axis motor assembly
Y-axis motor assembly
Place the pulley T16-2GT on the Y-motor shaft as shown in the picture.
Don't press the pulley against the motor. Leave a two-millimeter gap between both parts. Use the universal wrench to set the gap.
ネジ の 1本 は、シャフトの平らな部分)に直接対向している必要があります。最初の ネジ を少しだけ締めます。
シャフトを回転させ、2つ目 のネジを少しだけ締め込みます。
Ensure you have the correct orientation of the pulley on the shaft. It can be placed both ways, but only one is correct.
Mounting the Y-motor
Mounting the Y-motor
Place the Y-axis motor to the holder on the MINI-Y-plate-rear part.
Make sure the cable from the motor is oriented in the same way as in the picture.
Secure the Y-axis motor with three M3x12 screws.
Mounting the MINI-Y-rear-plate
Mounting the MINI-Y-rear-plate
Mounting the MINI-Y-rear-plate
Mounting the MINI-Y-rear-plate
Once again, make sure that all three M3nE nuts are placed in the extrusion.
Place the MINI-Y-plate-rear on the smooth rods.
Secure both parts with two M5x20r screws. When tightening the M5x20r screws, push on the extrusion from above.
To prevent damage to the Y-axis motor cable during the assembly, place the cable into the extrusion.
Anti-vibration pads installation
Anti-vibration pads installation
Anti-vibration pads installation
Anti-vibration pads installation
Gently push four pads out of the block.
Keep the other two pads for later.
Peel the protective film from all four pads.
Rotate the Y-axis so that the Y-carriage is facing down and glue four pads on the aluminum extrusions, like in the picture. Pay careful attention to the correct orientation.
It is recommended to place the Y-carriage on a piece of fabric. Heatbed spacers can scratch your workbench.
Y-axis belt parts
Y-axis belt parts
Y-axis belt 2GT 496 mm (1x)
Y-axis belt guidance
Y-axis belt guidance
Y-axis belt guidance
Y-axis belt guidance
Insert one end of the belt into the lower groove of the MINI-Y-belt-holder. Make sure the belt teeth are facing up.
Guide the belt around the MINI-Y-belt-idler pulley.
Guide the belt around the Y-axis motor pulley.
Insert the second end of the belt into the upper groove of the MINI-Y-belt-holder.
If the belt doesn't line up, check that the pulley is in the same orientation as seen in the picture.
Y-belt tensioning
Y-belt tensioning
Y-belt tensioning
Move the Y-carriage all the way from you.
ラジオペンチを使って、Y軸 モーター のシャフトを固定します。
Belt tension check
Belt tension check
Follow the on-screen instructions to fine-tune the belt tension.
Y-axis assembly: reward yourself!
Y-axis assembly: reward yourself!
You just finished the Y-axis assembly. It wasn't that hard, was it? Now is the time to reward yourself and replenish your energy for the next steps. Please, follow these instructions:
ハリボーのお菓子が入った袋を慎重に静かに開けます。 音を立てて勢いよく開けると、近くの捕食者を引き寄せる可能性があります。
クマの各列は、特定の章を対象としているか、章の特定の部分に分割されています。 クマの数は、章の難易度に応じて並べ替えられています。 しかし、心配しないでください;)。
Spread the bears in the six rows according to the picture. Start from the top.
If you are missing some bears, do not hesitate and immediately visit the nearest candy store and buy the missing amount ;).
Keep the correct number of the bears in separate rows. That is crucial!
Eat the first part of the first row.
MINI-Z-bottom: parts preparation
MINI-Z-bottom: parts preparation
MINI-Z-bottom: parts preparation
Fasteners needed for the following steps are in the Y & Z-axis package. Please, prepare this bag.
MINI-Z-bottom (1x)
M3n nut (4x)
M3nS nut (8x)
Anti-vibration foam pad (1x)
The remaining foam pad is a spare.
Assembling the MINI-Z-bottom
Assembling the MINI-Z-bottom
Assembling the MINI-Z-bottom
Assembling the MINI-Z-bottom
Look inside the MINI-Z-bottom, locate two holes and insert two M3nS nuts. Use the 1.5mm Allen key to push the nuts fully inside.
Insert one M3nS nut into the hole on the side.
Insert one M3nS nut from the front side of the part.
Always make sure that all M3nS nuts are inserted all the way down into the holes.
Assembling the MINI-Z-bottom
Assembling the MINI-Z-bottom
Assembling the MINI-Z-bottom
Insert two M3nS nuts from the top side of the MINI-z-bottom.
Turn the part upside down and insert two M3nS nuts.
Insert four M3n nuts. Make sure they are flush (aligned) with the surface of the printed part. Do not press too much on the bottom of the plastic part, it may crack.
Glue the anti-vibration pad in the recess shape of the pad.
Buddy board: parts preparation
Buddy board: parts preparation
Buddy board: parts preparation
WARNING: Make sure to protect the electronics against electrostatic discharge (ESD). Always unpack the electronics right before you need them!
Buddy board (1x) Keep the silver label for later!
New kit units are shipped with the silver label already affixed to the longest aluminum extrusion.
帯電防止バッグは、到着時に開封されます。 各基盤は出荷前に取り出され、テストされています。
M3x8 screw (4x)
Mounting the Buddy board
Mounting the Buddy board
Mounting the Buddy board
Mounting the Buddy board
WARNING: Make sure to protect the electronics against electrostatic discharge (ESD). Always unpack the electronics right before you need them!
Grab the Buddy board on the sides and insert the board into the MINI-Z-bottom.
Make sure the LAN and power connectors are properly seated in the holes.
Secure the board with four M3x8 screws. Do not tighten too much! You can crack the Buddy board.
You can insert the screws with the needle-nose pliers. But be careful, avoid scratching the printed circuit board or bend the capacitors. You can fatally damage the Buddy board.
LCD cable: parts preparation
LCD cable: parts preparation
LCD cable (1x)
The LCD cable is not symmetrical. Carefully read the instructions for the correct connection.
Take the LCD cable and push it through the hole in the MINI-Z-bottom.
Connect the LCD connector to the board. Mind the orientation of the connector, there is a notch on one side (see the orange circle).
LCD cable guidance
LCD cable guidance
LCD cable guidance
WARNING: From now on proceed carefully while moving the XZ-axis. The LCD cable is facing down and might get damaged.
Wrap the LCD cable around the box. Don't stretch the cable.
Fold the second end of the cable inside the MINI-Z-bottom.
Z-axis: parts preparation
Z-axis: parts preparation
Z-axis: parts preparation
Extrusion 289 mm (1x)
Z plate bottom (1x)
M5x20r screw (2x)
M3x12 screw (2x)
M3x20 screw (3x)
M3x40 screw (1x)
Assembling the Z-axis
Assembling the Z-axis
Place the Z plate bottom part on the front of the extrusion like in the picture.
Secure it with two M5x20r screws.
If you have the silver label already affixed to the extrusion from us, orient it to the same side, as in the picture.
Assembling the Z-axis
Assembling the Z-axis
Assembling the Z-axis
Assembling the Z-axis
There is a screw head on the underside of the Z plate bottom which must be properly seated in the round groove in the MINI-Z-bottom. Follow these instructions for the correct installation:
Place the extrusion assembly on the MINI-Z-bottom like in the picture and slightly tilt the extrusion. Move the inclined extrusion to the edge of the plastic part (see the yellow circle).
Straighten the extrusion to 90 °.
Assembling the Z-axis
Assembling the Z-axis
Assembling the Z-axis
Assembling the Z-axis
Make sure there is no large gap between the Z plate bottom and the plastic part.
Secure the Z plate bottom with two M3x20 screws.
Insert one M3x12 screw in the Z plate and tighten it.
Insert the M3x40 screw into the hole in the MINI-Z-bottom.
Using the 2.5mm Allen key insert the screw through the entire part so that a tip of the screw is visible on the other side.
Connecting the Y and Z-axis
Connecting the Y and Z-axis
Connecting the Y and Z-axis
Connecting the Y and Z-axis
Move the Y-carriage all the way to the left.
Place the right M3nE nut approximately in the middle of the extrusion length.
Align the Y-axis and Z-axis so that the protruding M3x40 screw points exactly at the hole in the M3nE nut in the extrusion. Join both parts together. DON'T tighten the screw fully yet!
Joining the Y and Z-axis together
Joining the Y and Z-axis together
Joining the Y and Z-axis together
M3x20ネジを使用して、もう一度少し締めますが、ナットに達していることを確認してください。 まだネジを完全に締めないでください!
Joining the Y and Z-axis together
Joining the Y and Z-axis together
Joining the Y and Z-axis together
Take the M3nE nut in the upper groove of the extrusion and slide it under the steel plate.
Aligning the YZ-axis assembly
Aligning the YZ-axis assembly
Aligning the YZ-axis assembly
In this step you will move the entire Z-axis, avoid pushing (grinding) it against the aluminium extrusion, or you might scratch it. Leave a small gap while moving the parts.
Rotate the back of the printer towards you and push the Y-carriage all the way to the "front".
Move the Z-axis assembly to the back.
Securing the YZ-axis assembly
Securing the YZ-axis assembly
まず、上部のM3×12 ネジ。
Guiding the Y-axis motor cable
Guiding the Y-axis motor cable
Guiding the Y-axis motor cable
Tilt the YZ-axis assembly as shown.
Remove the Y-axis motor cable from the extrusion.
Guide the Y-axis motor cable through the hole in the MINI-Z-bottom. Pushing the connector through the hole is tight, be careful not to damage the connector.
Do not stretch the cable. Leave a small slack.
Y-axis motor cable guidance
Y-axis motor cable guidance
Y-axis motor cable guidance
Connect the Y-axis motor cable to the third slot from the left. Arrange the cable guiding according to the second picture.
Do not pull on the cable!
Z-top: parts preparation
Z-top: parts preparation
Z-top: parts preparation
Z-top: parts preparation
MINI-Z-top (1x)
Trapezoidal nut (1x)
Z-axis motor (1x)
M3nS nut (2x)
M3x12 screw (2x)
Assembling the MINI-Z-top
Assembling the MINI-Z-top
Assembling the MINI-Z-top
Assembling the MINI-Z-top
Place the Z-axis motor like in the picture. Note the indicated cable direction.
Place the MINI-Z-top on the Z-axis with the longest part on the right.
Secure the MINI-Z-top with two M3x12 screws.
Screw the trapezoidal nut up to 2/3 of the Z-axis motor length. See the proper orientation of the nut.
Double-check the orientation of the parts!
Z-axis smooth rods: parts preparation
Z-axis smooth rods: parts preparation
Z-axis smooth rods: parts preparation
Z-axis smooth rods: parts preparation
Smooth rod Z-axis (2x)
Now use two rods with the larger diameter (10 mm).
M3x20 screw (4x)
M5x16r screw (2x)
Linear bearing LM10LUU (2x) included in the Rods package
LM10LUU bearings do not need lubrication.
Mounting the Z-axis smooth rods
Mounting the Z-axis smooth rods
Mounting the Z-axis smooth rods
Mounting the Z-axis smooth rods
Push both Z-axis smooth rods all the way into the MINI-Z-bottom.
In case you find it difficult to insert the smooth rods, you can slightly loosen the screws on the Z plate bottom and tighten it again after insertion. Don't forget to tighten them after the insertion.
Look at the MINI-Z-bottom from below and make sure that both smooth rods are fully inserted all the way down and touching the bottom.
Some early units may have a narrower version of the inspection holes. In this case, it is recommended to illuminate the holes with a spotlight for better visibility of the smooth rods.
Secure smooth rods with four M3x20 screws.