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How to replace Nextruder heatsink (XL Multi-tool)


How to replace Nextruder heatsink (XL Multi-tool)

How to replace Nextruder heatsink (XL Multi-tool)
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How to replace Nextruder heatsink (XL Multi-tool)
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This guide will take you through the replacement of the heatsink on the Original Prusa XL (Multi-tool).
The following instructions are intended for XL multi-tool only, although most steps are common. A single-tool version will be offered at a later time.
Algunas partes pueden ser ligeramente diferentes. Sin embargo, esto no afecta el procedimiento.
The following instructions require extreme attention. The procedure involves direct intervention in the planetary gearbox.
Tools necessary for this guide
Tools necessary for this guide
Tools necessary for this guide
Para esta guía, prepara:
Torx TX10 key
Torx TX6 key
Torx TX8 key
Llave Allen de 2.5 mm
Universal wrench
Nose pliers
Side cutters recommended for cutting zip ties
Additional parts
Additional parts
Additional parts
Para esta guía, prepara:
Prusa lubricant (1x) supplied with your printer
PG-assembly-adapter (1x)
The PG-assembly-adapter is not included in the box and needs to be printed. You can download the STL file from
The STL file is located in Parts for maintenance section. Before proceeding, please ensure to review the recommended print settings provided in the caption.
DO NOT continue without the PG-assembly-adapter. It is necessary for the assembly!
Unloading filament
Unloading filament
Unloading filament
Unloading filament
The following step is only necessary if you have a filament loaded in the current toolhead.
Unload the filament from the hotend. On the screen, navigate to Filament -> Unload Filament and select the tool, you want to working on.
Remove the filament from the hotend. It is not necessary to completely remove it from the printer. Just a few centimeters (inches) above the extruder.
Cool down the printer to room temperature. On the screen, navigate to Preheat -> Cooldown.
CAUTION: Wait for the printer to fully cool down to room temperature before proceeding further.
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
On the printer screen, navigate to Control -> Pick/Park Tool -> Park Current Tool.
Turn the power switch OFF (symbol "O").
From the rear side of the printer, unplug the PSU cable.
Protecting the heatbed
Protecting the heatbed
Antes de continuar, te recomendamos que protejas la base calefactable.
Make sure the heatbed is cooled down to ambient temperature. Place the empty cardboard box approximately to the front center part of the heatbed.
Desconexión del haz de cables del Nextruder
Desconexión del haz de cables del Nextruder
Desconexión del haz de cables del Nextruder
On the selected toolhead you want to work on:
Locate the FESTO (QSM-M5) fitting, press the blue collet and unplug the PTFE tube from the second Nextruder. Leave the PTFE hanging freely.
Localiza el cable del Nextruder, presiona la pestaña de seguridad y desenchufa el cable del segundo Nextruder. Deja el cable colgando.
Nextruder unlocking
Nextruder unlocking
Nextruder unlocking
On the selected toolhead you want to work on:
Desde la parte frontal del Nextruder, utilizando un destornillador T10, afloja (unas pocas vueltas son suficientes) dos tornillos M3x8r y retira el soporte del cable.
Gently undock the Nextruder and put it aside.
Removing the toolchanger board
Removing the toolchanger board
Removing the toolchanger board
Removing the toolchanger board
Using a T10 screwdriver, remove the M3x30 screw holding the fan-shield.
Turn the nextruder with the print fan facing up.
Remove the M3x8rt screws from the tool-changer using a T10 screwdriver..
Unplug the toolchanger cable. Press the safety latch while disconnecting the connector.
Remove the toolchanger from the Nextruder.
Accessing the Dwarf board
Accessing the Dwarf board
Accessing the Dwarf board
Loosen the M3x16 screw, just a few turns are enough to release the dwarf-cover-door. No need to removing the screw completely.
Open the dwarf-cover-door widely.
Removing the heatsink fan
Removing the heatsink fan
Removing the heatsink fan
Removing the heatsink fan
Remove two M3x20rT screws from the heatsink fan using a T10 screwdriver.
Cada conector tiene una pestaña de seguridad. Es necesario presionar la pestaña antes de desconectar. De lo contrario, el conector podría dañarse.
Unplug the heatsink fan cable from the Dwarf board.
Remove the heatsink fan and put it aside.
Opening the extruder idler
Opening the extruder idler
Opening the extruder idler
Push the idler-swivel upward.
Pull the idler-lever downward in order to release tension on the gearbox.
Removing the gearbox & motor assembly
Removing the gearbox & motor assembly
Removing the gearbox & motor assembly
Removing the gearbox & motor assembly
Fully loosen three M3x25 screws from the printed gearbox cover. Keep the screws in the assembly, don't remove them completely.
Carefully slide the gearbox assembly off. It is necessary to remove the entire assembly in one piece. This means PG-cover (top plastic cover), PG-ring (brass ring), PG-assembly (metal gears), and main-plate (bottom plastic plate), all joined by M3x25 screws.
Set the gearbox assembly and the extruder motor aside.
Pay attention to not lose the spacer from the motor shaft.
Removing the hotend
Removing the hotend
Removing the hotend
Removing the hotend
Unplug the hotend thermistor cable from the Dwarf board. Press the safety latch while disconnecting the connector.
Unplug the hotend heater cable from the Dwarf board. Press the safety latch while disconnecting the connector.
With a Torx TX 8 key loosen the grub screw in the extruder. Do not remove the screw completely. A few turns are enough to release the hotend assembly in the heatsink.
Carefully pull the hotend assembly out of the heatsink.
At the same time pull the disconnected hotend cables from below the heatsink.
Removing the heatsink assembly
Removing the heatsink assembly
Removing the heatsink assembly
Unplug all remaining cables from the Dwarf board. Press the safety latch while disconnecting each connector.
Remove the heatsink assembly and set it aside.
Retirar el ventilador de capa
Retirar el ventilador de capa
Retirar el ventilador de capa
Remove the two M3x10 screws from the heatsink with a 2.5 mm Allen key.
Separate the heatsink and the print fan.
Set the print fan aside. We will need it later again.
Removing the idler-swivel
Removing the idler-swivel
Removing the idler-swivel
Remove the two M3x30 screws to remove the idler-swivel from the heatsink.
Remove the idler-swivel from the heatsink.
Remove the festo with a universal wrench.
Be careful to not lose the springs.
Removing the NTC thermistor & Hall sensor
Removing the NTC thermistor & Hall sensor
Removing the NTC thermistor & Hall sensor
Removing the NTC thermistor & Hall sensor
Desenrosca el tornillo M2.5x6rT para retirar el sensor de filamento Hall.
Carefully remove the Hall filament sensor.
Release the set screw from the bottom of the heatsink to remove the NTC thermistor.
Pull the NTC thermistor out from the heatsink.
Retirar el sensor de filamento
Retirar el sensor de filamento
Retirar el sensor de filamento
Retirar el sensor de filamento
BE EXTRA CAREFUL when removing the filament sensor. The filament sensor contains a tiny parts (spring, magnet, steel ball) that tend to fall out when the sensor is removed.
Very carefully pull the filament sensor out from the heatsink using the needle-nose pliers.
CAUTION: Avoid gripping the part firmly, as this may cause irreparable damage.
Don't lose the small parts! You will need them again later. Keep them aside in a safe place.
Remove the grub screw from the heatsink.
Tip: store small parts in a box or bowl.
Installing the Hall sensor
Installing the Hall sensor
Installing the Hall sensor
Coloca el sensor de filamento Hall en la cavidad de forma similar del disipador térmico.
Fíjalo con un tornillo M2.5x6rT. Apriétalo con mucho cuidado, puedes romper la placa electrónica.
Insert the grub screw into the slot closer to the bottom of the heatsink. See the picture.
Instalando el sensor de filamento
Instalando el sensor de filamento
Instalando el sensor de filamento
Insert the Prusa ball holder assembly into the heatsink. Make sure the steel ball part is closer to the side of the heatsink.
Note the correct orientation of the Prusa ball holder assembly. There is a protrusion on the part. The protrusion must be facing down.
Introduce el conjunto en el disipador.
Mounting the idler-swivel
Mounting the idler-swivel
Mounting the idler-swivel
Tighten the idler-swivel with two M3x30 screws.
Note the correct orientation of the part. The screw heads on the idler-swivel must be facing up (like in the picture).
The tip of each screw should be flush with the plastic part on the other side.
Inserting the NTC thermistor
Inserting the NTC thermistor
Inserting the NTC thermistor
Inserting the NTC thermistor
On the extruder motor side, insert the NTC thermistor into the hole in the heatsink.
Secure it with the M3x4T grub screw. Screw it all the way in. Tighten gently, but firmly using two fingers and the short side of the T6 Torx key. Applying more force may cause permanent damage to the thread.
Align the heatsink with the motor assembly.
Double-check that the spacer is still in place on the motor shaft!
Preparing the gearbox parts
Preparing the gearbox parts
Preparing the gearbox parts
Dismantle the gearbox assembly into its component parts:
PG-ring (1x)
PG-assembly (1x)
PG-front-case (1x)
Make sure there is a plastic spacer inside the case. It can be black or white. Do not remove the plastic spacer from the case.
Main-plate (1x)
M3x25 screw (3x)
Using a paper towel clean all the parts from grease.
Assembling the gearbox
Assembling the gearbox
Assembling the gearbox
En los siguientes pasos, volveremos a montar todo el conjunto de la caja de engranajes para garantizar una instalación correcta.
Las siguientes instrucciones deben seguirse correcta y cuidadosamente. Consigue una mejor comprensión y un montaje satisfactorio viendo el vídeo junto a la guía:
The video is for MK4, but the procedure is identical.
Después de ver el vídeo, sigue los pasos de esta guía.
Coloca el PG-assembly-adapter en el PG-assembly. Observa las cavidades para los engranajes en el adaptador.
Assembling the PG-ring
Assembling the PG-ring
Assembling the PG-ring
No monte la caja de cambios sin el PG-assembly-adapter. Esta herramienta está destinada a garantizar que los engranajes encajen correctamente.
Desliza el PG-ring en el adaptador.
Observa que hay un chaflán en un lado de los dientes del PG-ring. Este lado debe estar orientado hacia abajo (hacia el PG-assembly).
Sujeta todo el conjunto con una mano para poder girarlo con el PG-ring.
Con la otra mano, desliza el PG-ring en el ensamblaje PG con un movimiento oscilante (mueva el PG-ring a izquierda y derecha repetidamente) - un cuarto de vuelta es suficiente.
Deténte cuando las superficies de los engranajes estén aproximadamente a ras con la superficie del anillo PG.
Mounting the gearbox
Mounting the gearbox
Mounting the gearbox
Mounting the gearbox
Procede con mucho cuidado en este paso.
Attach the main-plate on the heatsink. Note the orientation of the part. Use the cutout for the socket screw as a guide (lower left corner).
Mantén la posición del PG-assembly y fíjalo al eje del motor del extrusor.
Make sure the PG-ring perfectly fits on the socket set screw.
Very gently and freely rotate with the whole PG assembly (PG-assembly-adapter, PG-assembly and PG-ring) until it drops down so that there is minimal gap between the assembly and the main-plate. Do not push on the assembly.
Remove the PG-assembly-adapter.
Checking the PG assembly
Checking the PG assembly
Checking the PG assembly
Checking the PG assembly
Attach the PG-assembly-adapter back on the PG-assembly again to verify that all parts are properly seated.
Rotate with the PG-assembly-adapter. The PG assembly must be easy to rotate without having to exert much force.
Remove the PG-adapter. You will no longer need it during assembly. We recommend keeping it for maintenance.
Asegúrate de que el PG-assembly no sobresale sobre el PG-ring. Debe colocarse por debajo del nivel de la superficie del PG-ring o al mismo nivel que el anillo.
No debe haber ningún espacio entre el PG-ring y la Main-plate. Si observas un hueco, retira el conjunto del engranaje planetario y vuelve a colocarlo.
Lubricating the gears
Lubricating the gears
Lubricating the gears
Open the Prusa Lubricant. Using the opposite side of the cap, puncture the hole in the opening of the tube.
Aplique una pequeña cantidad de Lubricante Prusa alrededor del PG-ring y de los dientes del PG-assembly.
Tip: apply a small amount of lubricant to the tip of the zip tie and then spread the lubricant over the gears.
Con una toalla de papel, limpia el exceso de lubricante en las superficies delanteras.
Covering the gearbox
Covering the gearbox
Covering the gearbox
Covering the gearbox
Place the PG-case on the gearbox.
Insert three M3x25 screws into the PG-case, but do not tighten them completely. They will be tightened later.
Close the idler-lever and lock it in position with the idler-swivel.
Conectando los cables del Nextruder
Conectando los cables del Nextruder
Conectando los cables del Nextruder
Plug the load cell sensor cable into the Dwarf board.
Plug the filament sensor cable into the Dwarf board.
Plug the heatsink thermistor cable into the Dwarf board.
Attaching the Tool Changer board & print fan assembly
Attaching the Tool Changer board & print fan assembly
Attaching the Tool Changer board & print fan assembly
Prepare the Tool changer board & print fan assembly.
Align the three metal spacers with the holes in the heatsink, make sure the board and fan cables are guided below the top spacer before you attach the heatsink, so that they are not pinched.
Use the M3x10 screws to secure the heatsink & gearbox assembly to the spacers on the print fan cover. Start with the centre screw, taking care not to pinch any cables.
Montaje del ventilador del fusor
Montaje del ventilador del fusor
Montaje del ventilador del fusor
Attach the hotend fan to the heatsink with its cable positioned as can be seen in the picture.
Mind the orientation of the fan.
Secure the heatsink fan with two M3x18rT screws.
Plug the print fan cable into the Dwarf board.
Plug the toolchanger cable into the Dwarf board.
Plug the hotend fan cable into the Dwarf board.
Reattaching the toolchanger board and the hotend
Reattaching the toolchanger board and the hotend
Reattaching the toolchanger board and the hotend
Reattaching the toolchanger board and the hotend
Attach the toolchanger board with the heat shield to the Nextruder.
Secure the fan shield with a M3x30 screw.
Insert the hotend into the heatsink.
Lead the hotend cables between the heatsink spacers as shown in the picture and make sure that they are not pinched.
Plug in the hotend thermistor cable.
Plug in the hotend heater cable.
Securing the toolchanger and the hotend
Securing the toolchanger and the hotend
Securing the toolchanger and the hotend
Secure the toolchanger with two M3x8rt screws.
Connect the toolchanger cable.
While pushing the hotend into the heatsink, tighten the grub screw with a Torx TX 8 key.
Mounting the festo
Mounting the festo
Mounting the festo
A partir de septiembre de 2024, podrás recibir nuevos racores M5-4 negro. El montaje y la funcionalidad siguen siendo idénticos al azul.
Mount the festo on the top of the heatsink.
Gently tighten the festo with a uni-wrench.
Connecting the nextruder
Connecting the nextruder
Connecting the nextruder
Insert the PTFE tube into the festo connector as far as possible. Slighty tug on the PTFE tube to make sure it's firmly secured.
Plug the Dwarf extruder cable to the Dwarf board.
Slide the black nylon plate onto the screws in the Cheese board, and tighten them with a Torx T10 key.
Make sure the nylon plate is not twisted.
Docking the tool
Docking the tool
Docking the tool
Docking the tool
Gira con cuidado la impresora de modo que la parte frontal quede orientada hacia ti.
Coge el Nextruder y colócalo con cuidado junto al dock.
Coloca los dos pines metálicos a través de los orificios blancos del dock. Los imanes te ayudarán a acoplar el Nextruder.
Compruebe que el Sello de la boquilla toca ligeramente la boquilla.
Enchufa el cable de la fuente de alimentación desde la parte posterior de la impresora.
Enciende el interruptor (símbolo "I").
Realiza los test del menú Control -> Calibración y Tests.
El asistente probará todos los componentes importantes de la impresora. Todo el proceso dura unos minutos. Algunas partes del asistente requieren la interacción directa del usuario. Sigue las instrucciones que aparecen en pantalla.
NOTA: Mientras pruebas los ejes, asegúrate de que no hay nada en la impresora que obstruya el movimiento de los ejes.
ADVERTENCIA: No toques la impresora durante el asistente a menos que se le indique. Algunas partes de la impresora pueden estar CALIENTES y moverse a gran velocidad.
Calibrating the Nextruder gears
Calibrating the Nextruder gears
Calibrating the Nextruder gears
Conecta la impresora y enciéndela.
Now we need to simulate the movement of the gearbox. On the LCD screen, navigate to Filament - Unload filament.
As soon as the extruder's movement finishes, tighten the three M3x25 screws on the PG-case in the correct order (shown on the picture).
Then loosen the screws slightly and repeat the process, tightening the screws in the correct order. This ensures that the gearbox is seated correctly.
Well done!
Well done!
Congratulations, you have just successfully replaced the heatsink on your Original Prusa XL!
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