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Service menu - Individual Filament Calibration

Service menu - Individual Filament Calibration

Service menu - Individual Filament Calibration
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Last updated 8 months ago
Service menu - Individual Filament Calibration
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Read the entire guide first to know, what is needed in order to get a successful calibration.
The later MMU2S doesn't require this procedure in its stock setup. It may improve MMU2S performance when using a 3rd party non-standard length Bowden PTFE tube.
MMU3 (FW2.1.9 and up) doesn’t have this calibration feature as it’s not necessary for it.
Make sure the MMU2 unit is assembled according to the manual (alignment of the pulleys is very important). Also make sure the screws with springs are tightened properly (slightly below the surface)
All five spool holders should be at least 40 cm (15.75 inches) behind the back plate of the printer. Check each filament can unspool easily.
All five spool holders should be at least 40 cm (15.75 inches) behind the back plate of the printer. Check each filament can unspool easily.
Flashing the latest firmware (MMU2 unit)
Flashing the latest firmware (MMU2 unit)
Flashing the latest firmware (MMU2 unit)
Flashing the latest firmware (MMU2 unit)
To check the firmware version, turn the printer on and press the knob to enter the menu, then go to Support and scroll down until you find the MMU2 section.
The firmware for the MMU2 unit is available for download on our site together with the firmware for the printer: prusa3d.com/drivers
Flash the firmware using Slic3r PE (Slic3r PE v1.41.0 or latest) and Micro USB cable connected directly to the MMU2 unit. Slic3r will recognise the unit and select the port automatically.
Turn the printer off and back on. Ensure the correct version of the firmware is shown on the printer's screen.
How to enter the secret service menu:
プリンタの電源を入れ、完全に起動させます。次に、画面の横にある "Xボタン "を使ってプリンタをリセットし、すぐにMMU2ユニットの真ん中のボタンを押し、すべてのLEDが赤くなるまで押し続けます。
After the sequence is finished, following LEDs will light up. You can then release the button.
LED 1 - 両方のLEDが点灯
5つのLED - 赤いLEDのみが点灯
Using the left/right button select LED 4 and confirm by pressing the middle button.
Loading the filament into the printer
Loading the filament into the printer
Loading the filament into the printer
Loading the filament into the printer
When the system is ready to initiate Bowden calibration at current filament, the LED turns green.
Press the middle button for 1-2 seconds to initiate the calibration. LED turns red and the printer starts loading the filament. Make sure the filament can unspool from the spool without significant resistance.
Filament passes through the MMU2 unit into the Bowden and down to the extruder. As soon as the MMU2 unit loads the predefined length, the first and fourth LED will start flashing.
Setting the first "Bowden" length
Setting the first "Bowden" length
Setting the first "Bowden" length
Setting the first "Bowden" length
Open the idler on the extruder. Using buttons move the filament until reaching the Bondtech gear Left button is down, Right is up.
To reach the optimal position, move the filament down, up then down again to the desired position. This will calibrate the length and also release tension in the filament.
Incorrect alignment (the second and third picture)
IMPORTANT: to reach the optimal position, move the filament down, up and down again to the desired position. This will calibrate the length and also release tension in the filament.
After you finish the alignment, press the middle button for 1-2 seconds on the MMU2 unit. The filament will unload and this will save the filament position (length).
To ensure the length was set properly, press the middle button again to load the filament back to the extruder.
Is the tip of the filament in the previously saved position? (tolerance +/-1 mm) Great, press the middle button again to unload the filament and go to the next step.
Is the filament loaded to a different position? Adjust it again using the left/right button. Unload, reload and check. Repeat this until the filament returns to the same position (tolerance +/-1 mm). Then proceed to the next step.
Calibrating length for the 2. - 5. filament
Calibrating length for the 2. - 5. filament
Calibrating length for the 2. - 5. filament
Calibrating length for the 2. - 5. filament
Successful calibration of the first Bowden will result in the first LED being green, press the right button to move the selector to the next filament.
Press the middle button to load the filament. The LED will turn red.
Set the correct length using the left/right button. Remember the trick (down/up down) to release the tension. Use the last picture as a reference. When ready, press the middle button to save and unload.
Press the middle button again to load the filament back to the extruder. Ensure the position is correct, if not adjust, save and check again.
Repeat this procedure for all remaining filaments. In other words Load - Adjust - Unload - Repeat ;)
Finishing the calibration and exiting
Finishing the calibration and exiting
Finishing the calibration and exiting
Finishing the calibration and exiting
When you finish calibrating the bowden length for all individual filaments, move the selector using the right button all the way to the right.
The fifth LED near the right edge will start flashing. Press the middle button to confirm all filaments are set and you want to exit the service menu.
The selector will automatically move all the way to the left and the first LED will turn green.
Return to the extruder, close the idler and tighten two screws on the springs.
That's it!!! Happy printing ;)
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