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3. CoreXY & Back assembly


3. CoreXY & Back assembly

3. CoreXY & Back assembly
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Last updated 6 days ago
3. CoreXY & Back assembly
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Torque indicator disassembly
Torque indicator disassembly
Torque indicator disassembly
Torque indicator disassembly
For the following steps, we need a 3mm Allen key without the torque indicator.
Take the assembled torque indicator.
Pull out the plastic handle.
Pull out the 3mm Allen key from the torque indicator.
Keep the 3D printed indicator for later use.
How to insert the M3nEs nuts
How to insert the M3nEs nuts
Insert the nut all the way into the extrusion from the top. See the orientation of the spring (the metal sheet on the nut).
With your finger, turn the nut and align it with the extrusion. The springs on the nut should be facing down.
The M3nEs nut is installed.
CoreXY assembly
CoreXY assembly
CoreXY assembly
CoreXY assembly
Measure approximately 23 cm (9") from the right extrusion.
Insert three M3nEs nuts into the left extrusion.
Insert three M3nEs nuts into the right extrusion.
Installing the CoreXY assembly
Installing the CoreXY assembly
Installing the CoreXY assembly
Installing the CoreXY assembly
Double-check that the Z-axis fixed and rotary assemblies are in the correct positions.  In the picture, the Z-axis is fixed at the bottom, which is correct. Check your printer!
Are you left or right-handed? The printer should be already laying on its left side from the previous chapter. If you are a left-hander rotate it carefully on the opposite right side (see the picture). We are going to attach the upper CoreXY part and tighten the screws to interconnect both parts together. The instructions are the same, choose the side which suits you better for tightening the screws.
It is recommended to place a cardboard pad under the side of the base to protect the work bench and the frame from scratch.
There's a hole in the extrusion that the pin has to fit into.
Move the rear profile insert inside each extrusion of the CoreXY to the rear side of the assembly.
Slide the remaining inserts approximately to the middle. Precise position will be addressed later.
Rotate the CoreXY on its longer side and put it near the top of the four base extrusions.
The rear profile inserts must be facing against the rear extrusions. Do not push the CoreXY all the way in until you are prompted.
Installing the CoreXY assembly
Installing the CoreXY assembly
Installing the CoreXY assembly
Installing the CoreXY assembly
Be careful while attaching the extrusions and CoreXY, avoid scratching them.
First, slide the CoreXY assembly on both rear extrusions.
Align the remaining profile inserts with both Z-axis extrusions.
Slide the CoreXY on both Z-axis extrusions.
Securing the CoreXY
Securing the CoreXY
Securing the CoreXY
Securing the CoreXY
Insert the M4x12 screws into both holes. Same way as you did with the base.
Proceed carefully with the 3mm Allen key, avoid scratching the frame.
There might be a slight gap between parts, we will address this in the next step.
Tighten the screws until you reach the metal plate, then stop! We will do the final tightening later on using the torque indicator.
Repeat this procedure on the three remaining extrusions.
Manipulating with the printer
Manipulating with the printer
Manipulating with the printer
Manipulating with the printer
Never manipulate the printer by using the upper metal flanges. You can damage the LED lights hidden inside.
Manipulate the base using the extrusions.
Rotate the base back on its feet (the Core XY is facing up).
Assembling the Torque indicator
Assembling the Torque indicator
Assembling the Torque indicator
Assembling the Torque indicator
Insert the 3mm Allen key into the torque indicator.
Put on the Allen key handle from the other side.
The assembled torque indicator looks like this.
Securing the CoreXY
Securing the CoreXY
Securing the CoreXY
Prepare the 3mm Allen key with the torque indicator.
Insert the shorter side of the 3mm Allen key into the screw securing the CoreXY assembly.
Tighten the screw till you reach the "OK" line and the 3mm Allen key is slightly bent.
Repeat this procedure on all M4x12 screws inserted into the Z-axis extrusions.
Haribo time!
Haribo time!
Take one gummy bear.
Did you know that Gummy bears were initially sold as a novelty item and gained popularity in Germany before spreading to other countries?
Securing the left linear rail
Securing the left linear rail
Securing the left linear rail
Securing the left linear rail
On the left side of the CoreXY, there are three M3nEs nuts in the extrusion. Slide the middle M3nEs nut behind the linear rail. Align its hole with the hole in the linear rail.
Double check you have used the middle nut.
Insert the M3x10 screw into the upper hole.
Tighten the M3x10 screw with a 2.5mm Allen key.
Securing the right linear rail
Securing the right linear rail
Securing the right linear rail
Securing the right linear rail
On the right side of the CoreXY there are three M3nEs nuts in the extrusion. Slide the middle nut behind the linear rail. Align its hole with the hole in the linear rail.
Double check you have used the middle nut.
Insert the M3x10 screw into the upper hole.
Tighten the M3x10 screw with a 2.5mm Allen key.
Inserting the M3nEs nuts into extrusions
Inserting the M3nEs nuts into extrusions
Inserting the M3nEs nuts into extrusions
Turn the printer so that the left side is facing towards you. Use the safety sticker as a guide.
Focus on the left half of the extrusion base, where we will install the M3nEs nut:
Insert the nut all the way into the extrusion from the top. See the orientation of the spring (the metal sheet on the nut).
With your finger, turn the nut and align it with the extrusion. The springs on the nut should be facing down.
The exact position of the nut will be adjusted later on. For now, slide it approximately to the center of the extrusion.
Grounding the Frame
Grounding the Frame
Grounding the Frame
Grounding the Frame
Make sure the M3nEs nut is facing up like in the picture.
Place the Earthing-connector onto the M3nEs nut. The vertical part must be facing out from the printer.
Insert the M3x8rT screw and secure both parts together with a T10 screwdriver.
Do not tighten the screw completely, we might need to adjust the position of the Earthing-connector in the extrusion later on. 4-5 turns are enough.
Grounding the sides
Grounding the sides
Grounding the sides
Repeat the same procedure to install the Earthing-connectors to the top and side extrusions.
Start by inserting the M3nEs nuts in both vertical extrusions on the left side. Roughly 2 cm from the bottom extrusion.
Continue by inserting the M3nEs nut in the extrusions on the top side. Slide it approximately to the center of the extrusion.
Now place the Earthing connector onto the M3nEs nut. The vertical part must be facing out from the printer.
Proceed the same way with the extrusions on the right side of the frame.
The exact position of each nut will be adjusted later on.
Make sure all the connectors are facing out from the printer as in the picture.
Do not tighten the screw firmly, we might need to adjust the position of the Earthing-connector in the extrusion later on. 4-5 turns are enough.
Grounding the rear side
Grounding the rear side
Rotate the rear side of the printer towards you. Repeat the proces of inserting the M3nEs nuts, Earthing-connectors and M3x8rT screws described in the previous steps.
Insert the M3nEs nut in the vertical extrusion on the left side. Roughly 6 cm from the bottom extrusion.
Continue by inserting the M3nEs nut in the extrusion on the top side. Move it to roughly the initial one-third from left.
Make sure all the connectors are facing out from the printer as in the picture.
Do not tighten the screw firmly, we might need to adjust the position of the Earthing-connector in the extrusion later on. 4-5 turns are enough.
Attaching the cover-clips
Attaching the cover-clips
Attaching the cover-clips
Attaching the cover-clips
This step explains how to insert and lock the cover-clip. The exact position of each clip will be described in the upcoming steps.
Use any extrusion closest to you.
Hold the clip so that its longer side is aligned vertically. Then insert the cover-clip into the extrusion.
Once the clip is in the extrusion, rotate it 90 degrees. Both directions are fine, the clip is symmetrical
Now, the cover-clip is secured.
Note that due to tolerances, the clip might not hold in place. This is OK, its main purpose is withstand being pulled/pushed and it will be secure in place using a screw.
Attaching the cover-clips
Attaching the cover-clips
Attaching the cover-clips
Attaching the cover-clips
Insert the cover-clips in places, use the pictures as reference:
6x on the left side
6x on the right side
8x on the rear side
The final position of each cover-clip will be adjusted later on.
Removing the electronics casing
Removing the electronics casing
Removing the electronics casing
Removing the electronics casing
In order to be able to plug in cables, we need to open the box with electronics. Don't throw away the covers or the fasteners!
Loosen slightly all four screws on the XL Buddy box cover. No need to remove them completely. Slide the cover upwards and remove it.
Release and remove four M3x5rT screws on the upper cable cover.
Take the entire cover off.
Place both covers somewhere safe, we will put them back soon.
Attaching the XL rear panel
Attaching the XL rear panel
Attaching the XL rear panel
Attaching the XL rear panel
Hold the XL rear panel with your hand during assembly! It is not secured with any screws.
For easier assembly place the bottom edge of the XL rear panel approximately 2 cm (0.8 inches) behind the bottom rear extrusion of the printer base.
Rotate (close) the XL rear panel to the rear side of the printer. Make sure there is no cable in the way.
Be careful, don't pinch any cables!
Carefully slide the XL rear panel up until it stops on the top stops.
Continue by pressing the lower rear panel against the bottom extrusion
Continue to the next step.
Attaching the XL rear panel
Attaching the XL rear panel
Attaching the XL rear panel
Attaching the XL rear panel
Hold the XL rear panel with your hand during assembly! Until it is secured with screws.
From the inside of the printer, align the Earthing-connectors with the holes of the rear panel.
If needed release the screw slightly and adjust the Earthing-connector, then tighten it.
From the outside (rear side), insert the M3x8rT screw and secure the rear panel using a T10 screwdriver.
Installing the XL rear panel
Installing the XL rear panel
Installing the XL rear panel
Installing the XL rear panel
Hold the XL rear panel with your hand during assembly! Until it is secured with screws.
Insert the M3x8rT screw into the hole and align the Earthing-connector.
Fully tighten the screw with the T10 screwdriver.
Tighten the screw in the M3nEs nut to secure its position.
Installing the XL rear panel
Installing the XL rear panel
Installing the XL rear panel
Inside the printer: Line up all cover-clips with the holes in the rear panel.
Outside the printer (rear side): Secure the cover-clips with eight M3x8rT screws using a T10 screwdriver.
Haribo time!
Haribo time!
Eat one gummy bear.
Did you know that gummy bears were one of the first gelatin-based candies to be made in the shape of animals?
Rear left: cable management
Rear left: cable management
Rear left: cable management
In the following steps, we will focus on routing and connecting all the cables on the rear side.
Turn the printer's rear side towards you.
On the left edge, start from the bottom. Grab the PE, motor with xLCD cables and gently push them into the extrusion.
Secure the cables with the Extrusion cover 354 mm.
Rear left: PE cable
Rear left: PE cable
Rear left: PE cable
Take the PE cable.
Slide (connect) the PE cable to the PE connection on the board.
Rear left: connecting the cables
Rear left: connecting the cables
Rear left: connecting the cables
Rear left: connecting the cables
Connect all cables from the left side in the following order:
XY motor cable (yellow label XY)
Z motor cable (yellow label Z)
LED light cable
The xLCD cable connector has a locking latch that has to face the triangle near the xLCD connector.
xLCD cable
Rear left: securing the cables
Rear left: securing the cables
Rear left: securing the cables
ATTENTION: Do not overtighten the zip ties! Otherwise, you risk damaging the cables.
Under the cables are two perforations in the metal sheet.
Insert two zip ties through the perforations in the metal sheet to secure the cables. Tighten them gently.
Cut the excess of the zip ties.
Left side is ready for now, let's focus on the right side.
Rear right: cable management
Rear right: cable management
Rear right: cable management
Rear right: cable management
On the right edge, start from the bottom. Grab the motor cable and gently push it into the extrusion.
Secure the cable with the Extrusion cover 354 mm.
Version A: Rear right: connecting Wi-Fi Antenna
Version A: Rear right: connecting Wi-Fi Antenna
Version A: Rear right: connecting Wi-Fi Antenna
Version A: Rear right: connecting Wi-Fi Antenna
You may have another version of the Wi-Fi antenna holder (the cable from the antenna cannot be found now). A new version of the antenna holder is in 5. Extruder & accessories assembly. Do not install the antenna yet! Just continue through the manual.
ATTENTION: Be very gentle, the cable and the connector can be damaged if you use excessive force.
Remove the connector cover (translucent tube) from the Wi-Fi antenna cable.
Connect the Wi-Fi antenna cable connector to the xlBuddy board.
Support the board with your finger to prevent it from bending.
Installing the frame grounding
Installing the frame grounding
Installing the frame grounding
Installing the frame grounding
Take a look from the top and on the rear right edge remove the grounding cover from the grounding plug on the CoreXY assembly.
Connect the PE cable to the CoreXY grounding plug.
Rear right: securing the cables
Rear right: securing the cables
Rear right: securing the cables
Rear right: securing the cables
ATTENTION: Do not overtighten the zip ties! Otherwise, you risk damaging the cables.
Insert two zip ties through the perforations in the metal sheet to secure the cables. Tighten them gently.
Cut the excess of the zip ties.
Overview of electronics wiring
Overview of electronics wiring
Before proceeding to the next step, check the cable connection according to the picture.
XY motor cable
Z motor cable
LED cable
xLCD cable
PE cable
Wi-Fi antena cable
The newest Wi-Fi antenna cable will be assembled later in the 5. chapter of this guide.
The filament sensor cable is already connected to the xBuddy from one side. The other side is free, we'll connect it later.
Rear electronics cover
Rear electronics cover
Rear electronics cover
Rear electronics cover
Be careful, don't pinch any cables.
Gently attach the Rear-cable-management-upper on a rear side.
Make sure that no cable is pinched.
Secure it with four M3x5rT screws using a T10 screwdriver.
Installing XL buddy box cover
Installing XL buddy box cover
Installing XL buddy box cover
Attach the XL buddy box cover to the screws on the electronics box. And slide it down to lock it on the screws.
Tighten the screws with a T10 screwdriver.
Installing front extrusion covers
Installing front extrusion covers
Installing front extrusion covers
Installing front extrusion covers
Turn the printer's front-right side towards you.
Take the extrusion cover (243 mm).
First, insert both ends of the cover into the extrusion.
Now push the extrusion cover towards the center of the extrusion.
Repeat the process of inserting extrusion covers into the extrusions.
Insert the extrusion cover (430 mm) into the extrusion.
Insert the extrusion covers (243 mm) into the extrusions on the left and right sides.
Insert the orange extrusion covers into the extrusions on the left and right sides.
Instaling rear extrusion covers
Instaling rear extrusion covers
Instaling rear extrusion covers
While inserting the extrusion cover, first insert both ends of the cover, then push it towards the center of the frame.
Insert the extrusion covers (95 mm) into the extrusion on the left and right sides.
Insert the extrusion cover (405 mm) into the extrusion.
Haribo time!
Haribo time!
Eat another one gummy bear. Yes, just one.
Did you know that today, gummy bears are available in a wide range of flavors, including sour, tropical, and exotic fruit varieties?
Good job!
Good job!
Well done! You just finished the CoreXY & Back assembly.
Now, go to the next chapter 4. Heatbed & Side panels assembly.
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