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4. Electronics & Lid

4. Electronics & Lid
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Last updated 3 years ago
4. Electronics & Lid
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Tools and bags for this chapter
Tools and bags for this chapter
2.0 mm 六角レンチ
2.5 mm Allen key
3.0 mm Allen key
4.0 mm Allen key
TX20 Torx key
Cutting pliers
You will find parts for this chapter in the following protective foams:
Third layer includes some parts for this chapter.
Fourth layer includes all the remaining parts for this chapter.
Remember to keep all electronics in their ESD bags, until you have to assemble them to the printer.
Cable management
Cable management
Cable management
Start on the front side of the printer and tie together cable from the tilt motor and right blower fan.
Continue on the right side and the cables from the PSU (power + power panic) to the bundle.
Don't pull the cables, also don't over-tighten the zip tie.
Cable management
Cable management
Cable management
Cable management
Use the cardboard and place the back of the printer on it. Make sure the PSU power button isn't touching anything.
Gently pull the cables out and place zip tie around them near the right edge of the circular opening.
Use another zip tie on the other side.
Put the cable bundle back inside the printer, make sure it is all the way back and won't interfere with the UV LED, which will be mounted to the circular opening in the upcoming steps.
That is all for now regarding the cable management, we will continue later on in this chapter.
UV LEDパーツの準備
UV LEDパーツの準備
UV LEDパーツの準備
UV LED assembly (1x)
UV LED fan cable (1x)
UV LED cable (1x)
with shrink tubing (new version)
with twisted wires (old version)
M3x5b countersunk screw (8x)
Note that the UV LED cables have the same properties, only difference is a manufacturing method.
Removing the cover
Removing the cover
Removing the cover
Removing the cover
WARNING: After you remove the cover from the UV LED, please avoid touching the diodes. Any dirt or grease on the surface might result in print artefacts.
UV LED is protected with a plastic cover. To remove it, push it down, then pull slightly in the indicated direction and remove it.
While connecting the UV LED cable proceed carefully. The cooling fins are sharp, you can hurt yourself.
Connect the UV LED cable. Make sure the safety pin on the connector "clicks" in the UV LED.
Check all the wires are all the way in the connector.
Connect the UV LED fan cable extension. Make sure both cables are properly connected.
Mounting the UV LED assembly
Mounting the UV LED assembly
Mounting the UV LED assembly
Lay the printer on its right side to get access to the bottom part. The rear part is facing to the left.
Before you insert the UV LED assembly in the printer, insert both cables and align them to the back.
Slide the assembly up with the cables facing to the back and secure it using M3x5b countersunk screws. Tighten on a diagonal to ensure proper seating of the assembly.
Make sure the cables are facing to the back of the printer and no wire is pinched.
Touchscreen assembly (1x)
M4x10 screw (2x)
Be careful with all the cables while assembling the touchscreen. Make sure none gets pinched or bent.
Mounting the touchscreen assembly
Mounting the touchscreen assembly
Mounting the touchscreen assembly
Take a look from below the printer to find two holes in the tilt assembly. We will use them to mount the touchscreen.
Place the touchscreen in the printer and secure it using two M4x10 screws.
Note: The touchscreen assembly contains three cables: for the touchscreen, then Wi-Fi antenna and a speaker. Handle them with care!
Handle electronics with extreme care. Avoid touching chips and capacitors on both boards, always use the edges. Keep it in the ESD bags for now.
PrusA64-SL1 board (1x)
Motion controller (1x)
Electronics holder (1x)
M3x5 screw (8x)
Thermal pad (1x)
There is a RED sticker on the PrusA64-SL1 board, don't peel it off!
Glueing the thermal pad
Glueing the thermal pad
Glueing the thermal pad
Glueing the thermal pad
Before you continue, please clean the bent part of the holder with IPA cleaning pad.
Take the thermal pad and carefully peel off the clear protective film from the white side.
Glue the pad to the electronics holder with the exposed side. Press the entire surface of the pad to ensure proper connection.
Carefully peel off the second (blue) protective film. The pad is now quite sticky, avoid touching it.
The is an extra pad in the spare bag ;)
Inserting the electronics holder
Inserting the electronics holder
Inserting the electronics holder
Slide the electronics holder in the printer.
Use the cutout in the lower part for all the cables laying on the bottom plate.
First, ensure the electronics holder is all the way in, then tighten the screws, you have inserted earlier.
Arrange the cables similarly to the picture to create a space for an easier installation of the electronics.
Connecting both boards
Connecting both boards
Connecting both boards
Now, remove the boards from the ESD bags.
Remember to touch the boards only at the edges, avoid touching the chips or capacitors.
Look for the connectors on both boards.
Carefully connect the boards together, make sure the pins are properly aligned.
Connecting Wi-Fi & Speaker
Connecting Wi-Fi & Speaker
Connecting Wi-Fi & Speaker
Connecting Wi-Fi & Speaker
Place the electronics closer to the left side of the printer so that the Wi-Fi and speaker cables can reach the connectors. Avoid stretching the cables!
Guide the Wi-Fi cable inside the printer between the electronics holder and the support, then connect it to the board.
Guide the speaker cable inside the printer between the electronics holder and the support, then connect it to the board. Black wire must be on the left!
Make sure the Wi-Fi connector is properly connected. Lightly press the connector into the board with your finger. You will feel a slight "click".
Before you move to the next step, please ensure you have removed the blue protective film from the thermal pad, otherwise, the cooling system won't work properly.
Mounting the electronics
Mounting the electronics
Mounting the electronics
Mounting the electronics
Insert the board inside the printer and secure it with the M3x5 screws. Tighten them carefully!
Avoid using holes in the top right corner. We will use them later on.
While tightening screws on the right side, hold the steel sheet.
After both boards are secured, insert and tighten the M3x5 screw in the lower right corner. Be careful, you might damage the electronics if your tool slips.
Tip: if needed for more convenient installation, you can lay the printer on the right side, but make sure no wire is pinched or any part deformed.
After both boards are secured, insert and tighten the M3x5 screw in the lower right corner. Be careful, you might damage the electronics if your tool slips.
Tip: For more convenient installation, you can also lay the printer on its right side, but make sure no wire is pinched or any part deformed.
USB & Power cable (1x)
Connect this cable to the electronics, when asked. Cable management will be done later on.
Connecting the electronics
Connecting the electronics
Connecting the electronics
Let's connect the cables to the electronics. Start in the bottom and proceed "clockwise" according to the instructions. Some ports will remain unused, also don't remove any jumpers from the board. Don't peel the RED sticker off.
Proceed carefully, some cables and connectors are fragile and you might damage them.
LED UV cable
PSU power cable
Tower motor (labelled "W")
Tilt motor (labelled "T")
Resin sensor cable
Continue in the next step...
Connecting the electronics
Connecting the electronics
Connecting the electronics
Wi-Fi (be extra careful while connecting)
Speaker (black wire must be on the left!)
Cover trigger (3pin connector)
Thermistor (2pin connector)
Power button
Connecting the electronics
Connecting the electronics
Connecting the electronics
Optical sensor (labelled "O")
Filtration fan
Right blower fan
UV LED cooling fan (labelled "U")
Power panic
LCD screens will be connected in separate steps.
Removing the protective film
Removing the protective film
Removing the protective film
Carefully peel off the protective film from the reflector. Avoid touching the inner surface of the reflector.
IMPORTANT: Avoid touching the reflector from now on. Any stain on the inner surface will lead to issues with the prints!
Print display assembly (1x)
M4x14b countersunk screws (10x)
ディスプレイを組み立てるときは、ケーブルに注意してください。 挟まれたり無理に折れ曲がったりしないように注意してください。
Inserting the print display in the printer
Inserting the print display in the printer
Inserting the print display in the printer
WARNING: make sure the cable leading from the LCD is not bent before you tighten anything always ensure the cable is alright.
DON'T PEEL OFF THE PROTECTIVE FILM! Wait for the instructions!
Carefully insert the LCD assembly in the printer, like in the picture. Make sure the cable is ON THE LEFT side and not bent.
Carefully lay the assembly down, make sure it is aligned with the printer.
Fixing the display in place
Fixing the display in place
Fixing the display in place
Use the M4x14b countersunk screws to fix the LCD back in place. Don't tighten them, first make sure the LCD is seated properly.
Now, tighten all 10 screws firmly, but with a reasonable force. You might strip the screw.
Connecting the print display
Connecting the print display
Connecting the print display
Connecting the print display
WARNING: screen cables and connectors are fragile. Please proceed with extra caution.
Connect the print display to the connector. Be careful with the alignment. You should hear a click.
Make sure the cable is facing to the "front" and not stuck between the reflector and the electronics holder.
Secure the print display cable with the printed part. Be careful while tightening the M3x8 screws.
Connecting the touchscreen (new version)
Connecting the touchscreen (new version)
Connecting the touchscreen (new version)
Connecting the touchscreen (new version)
There are TWO VERSIONS of the LCD connector:
The new connector has a safety latch, which has to be flipped before inserting the cable (board V1.3a). Use this step.
The old connector has a safety latch, which must be pulled out before inserting the cable (board V1.3) Skip to the next step.
WARNING: screen cables and connectors are fragile. Please proceed with extra caution.
Gently flip out the black safety latch. Note that it is not removable.
Insert the cable from the touchscreen. Make sure the cable is straight and not twisted.
Lock the cable in place by pushing the safety latch back.
Connecting the touchscreen (old version)
Connecting the touchscreen (old version)
Connecting the touchscreen (old version)
Connecting the touchscreen (old version)
WARNING: screen cables and connectors are fragile. Please proceed with extra caution.
Gently pull out the black safety latch. Note that it is not removable.
Insert the cable from the touchscreen. Make sure the cable is straight and not twisted.
Lock the cable in place by pushing the safety latch back.
Final check
Final check
Check once again, your cables are connected according to the picture.
Final cable management
Final cable management
Final cable management
To finalise the cable management, please do the following:
Arrange all the cables similar to the picture. In the online version click on the picture for fullscreen.
Tie together cables in the top left corner of the board.
Push the USB & Power cable through the printer to the front.
Make sure no cable is near the edge or overlapping on the left side of the printer. This will avoid pinching any cable after adding the cover.
Tie together the USB & Power, optical and touchscreen cables.
Bottom cover (1x)
M3x5b countersunk screw (8x)
Connecting the power button and USB
Connecting the power button and USB
Connecting the power button and USB
Slide the cover half-way to the printer and stop, we need to connect the front USB and power button first.
Look from above in the front cover and connect the USB & Power cable. Make sure the safety pin "clicks"
Slide the cover on the printer and secure it on one side using two M3x5b countersunk screws. Don't tighten them firmly and move on the other side, repeat the procedure.
As soon as the cover is aligned and partly secured, add the remaining screws and tighten them all.
Tighten carefully, if you can't reach the holes in the printer, realign the cover.
Preparing resin tank parts
Preparing resin tank parts
Resin tank (1x)
Resin tank frame (1x)
Resin tank screw (2x)
M4x8rt Torx screw (22x)
FEP film (1x)
WARNING: the following procedure is crucial. Make sure you read the instructions first! The FEP film consists of three layers. Two layers are for the protection of the middle layer, which is the actual FEP film.
Separate all layers slightly apart to recognise them:
Semi-thick outer layer (protection)
Thick inner layer (FEP film)
Thin outer layer (protection)
FIRST, remove completely the SEMI-THICK outer layer. Make sure all the circular holes are free of the remains of the film.
Only after you have successfully removed the thick layer and the "circular" remains, remove the THIN outer layer.
You should end up with the middle layer, which is without both outer layers. Also, double-check you have removed all the remains.
Inserting the torx screws
Inserting the torx screws
Inserting the torx screws
Inserting the torx screws
Check the holes in the frame and in the foil are aligned.
DON'T PUNCH through new holes for the Torx screws!
Start inserting the remaining screws. Don't push hard, or you might bend the frame.
Check you have used twenty-two M4x8rt Torx screws.
Place the frame with the film and screws on the tank and start tightening M4x8rt screws with the Torx tool. Follow the indicated direction, tighten one by one. Screw them only halfway in!
Reseat the parts if needed and tighten the screws, this time just near the surface.
Final tightening of the screws, but BE CAREFUL. If the Torx tool slips, you might damage your FEP film.
Pro tip: Turn the tank upside down to its "normal position" and fill it with tap water to its max level. Watch the tank and ensure no water is leaking.
Take any knife with a sharp tip (not included in the package).
Carefully punch two holes in the FEP film, as indicated in the picture.
Punch each hole in two directions to create a cross.
Don't use a knife with a blunt tip or you might accidentally overstretch the FEP film.
Installing the resin tank
Installing the resin tank
Installing the resin tank
Remove the protective film from the print display.
Insert the tank in the printer and secure it using two screws.
Preparing acrylic lid parts
Preparing acrylic lid parts
Acrylic lid (1x)
Lid hinge (2x)
M4x8b countersunk screws (4x)
Mounting the acrylic lid
Mounting the acrylic lid
Mounting the acrylic lid
Mounting the acrylic lid
Make sure you won't drop the hinges during the assembly. You can use any fabric to protect the FEP film and the print display below the hinges.
Open the hinge and place it on the top of the printer.
Slide the lid all the way in and tighten the screws in the hinges to secure it (use 4mm Allen key). Don't over-tighten the screws or you might crack the lid.
Try closing the lid, in case you will find any significant gap, reseat the cover or the hinges.
Returning the print platform
Returning the print platform
Slide the print platform back in and secure it using the knob.
The platform is now still able to move (wobble on the cantilever), it is ok. Final tightening will be done during the calibration process by adjusting the marked screw(s).
Final check
Final check
...and it's done! Great job ;) Your Original Prusa SL1 is fully assembled.
Follow the next chapter to calibrate the printer and run first print 5. Preflight check
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