3D printers
Parts & Accessories
3D Models
Original Prusa XL
Original Prusa XL Dual-Head (Semi-Assembled) (1.06)
5. Extruder & accessories assembly | Tools necessary for this chapter
1. Tools necessary for this chapter
Step 1 of 47 (Chapter 5 of 6)
Fullscreen mode
For this chapter, please prepare:
T10 Torx key
2.5 mm Allen key
4.0 mm Allen key
A cardboard box is to be used as heatbed protection during the setup.
Hint: you can use the Nextruder box shipped with your printer.
Original Prusa XL Dual-Head (Semi-Assembled) (1.06)
1. Introduction
2. Base & Side frame assembly
3. CoreXY & Back assembly
4. Heatbed & Side panels assembly
5. Extruder & accessories assembly
Tools necessary for this chapter
Preparing the X-carriage
Installing the ToolChanger: parts preparation
Preparing the ToolChanger
Installing the ToolChanger
Covering the X-carriage
Preparing the Filament sensor
Attaching the filament sensor
Nextruder assembly: parts preparation
Nozzle seal versions
Version C: Nextruder dock preparing
Guiding the nextruder cable
Attaching the first and second nextruder dock
Dock inspection
Dock inspection: video
Version C: Nozzle seal: parts preparation
Version C: Assembling the Nozzle seal
Version C: Nextruder nozzle seal
Guiding the extruder PTFE tube
Wi-fi antenna holder versions
Version A: Connecting the Nextruder cables
Version A: Installing the Wi-Fi antenna: parts preparation
Version A: Installing the Wi-Fi antenna
Version B: Connecting the Nextruder cables
Version B: Wi-Fi antenna holder: parts preparation
Version B: Installing the Wi-Fi antenna: antenna preparing
Version B: Installing the Wi-Fi antenna: antenna preparing
Version B: Installing the Wi-Fi antena holder
Version B: XL buddy box covering
Version B: Installing the Wi-Fi antenna: parts preparation
Version B: Installing the Wi-Fi antenna
Haribo time!
Spoolholder assembly versions
Version A: Assembling the spool holder: parts preparation
Version A: Assembling the spool holder: adjusting the nut
Version A: Assembling the spool holder
Version A: Mounting the spool holder assembly
Version B: Assembling the spool holder: parts preparation
Version B: Assembling the spool holder: adjusting the nut
Version B: Assembling the spool holder
Version B: Preparing the spool holder
Version B: Mounting the spool holder assembly
Nextruder assembly: parts preparation
Docking the Nextruder
Nextruder cable bundle assembly
Nextruder cable bundle assembly
Almost done!
Manual changelog XL Dual-Head (Semi-Assembled)
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over 1 year ago
T10 looks differernt, this step requires one with the handle.