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Height adjustment of M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA sensor (MINI/+)

Height adjustment of M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA sensor (MINI/+)

Height adjustment of M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA sensor (MINI/+)
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Last updated 4 years ago
Height adjustment of M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA sensor (MINI/+)
Very easy
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This guide will take you through the M.I.N.D.A. and SuperPINDA sensor adjustment on the Original Prusa MINI and MINI+.
The M.I.N.D.A. sensor has a yellow tip, while the SuperPINDA has a black tip. The approach for adjusting it is the same for both versions.
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
Before you start, make sure that:
The printer is turned off and unplugged from the socket.
Steel sheet is removed from the printer
There is no filament residue on the tip of the nozzle.
M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA height adjustment
M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA height adjustment
M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA height adjustment
M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA height adjustment
Using your fingers turn the lead screw and move the entire X-axis down. Stop when the tip of the nozzle touches the heatbed! Avoid bending the heatbed!
Release slightly the screw on the minda-holder so you are able to adjust position of the M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA sensor.
Place a credit card under the M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA sensor or use the tip of a zip tie.
It is recommended to use an old/unused credit card! The magnets in the heatbed could make it unusable.
Gently press the M.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA sensor down against the credit card.
Tighten the screw on the minda-holder. Do not use an excessive force, you can break the printed part!
Rotate the lead screw manually in the opposite direction to move the axis at least 5 mm up.
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