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Original Prusa MK4S

Printer troubleshooting


Sample G-codes

Sample G-codes

Troubleshooting > Print Quality Troubleshooting
SD cards and USB drives

SD cards and USB drives

About your printer > General Information
Extruder blob

Extruder blob

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Filament sensor (MK4/S, MK3.9/S, XL)

Filament sensor (MK4/S, MK3.9/S, XL)

About your printer > Printer features
Spaghetti monster

Spaghetti monster

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Connect Registration Failed

Connect Registration Failed

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Stuck filament detection #31101 (CORE One) #26101 (MK4S) #13101 (MK4) #27101 (MK3.9S) #21101 (MK3.9) #17108 (XL)

Stuck filament detection #31101 (CORE One) #26101 (MK4S) #13101 (MK4) #27101 (MK3.9S) #21101 (MK3.9) #17108 (XL)

About your printer > Printer features
PrusaLink Troubleshooting

PrusaLink Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Connect Registration Failed #26401 (MK4S) #13401 (MK4)

Connect Registration Failed #26401 (MK4S) #13401 (MK4)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Filament not loading (MK4/S, MK3.9/S)

Filament not loading (MK4/S, MK3.9/S)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Homing error X #26304 (MK4S) #13304 (MK4) #21304 (MK3.9) #23304 (MK3.5)

Homing error X #26304 (MK4S) #13304 (MK4) #21304 (MK3.9) #23304 (MK3.5)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Factory reset (CORE One, MK4/S, MK3.9/S, MK3.5/S, MINI/+, XL)

Factory reset (CORE One, MK4/S, MK3.9/S, MK3.5/S, MINI/+, XL)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Hotend preheat error #26202 (MK4S) #13202 (MK4) #27202 (MK3.9S) #21202 (MK3.9)

Hotend preheat error #26202 (MK4S) #13202 (MK4) #27202 (MK3.9S) #21202 (MK3.9)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Bed preheat error #26201 (MK4S) #13201 (MK4) #27201 (MK3.9S) #21201 (MK3.9) #28201 (MK3.5S) #23201 (MK3.5)

Bed preheat error #26201 (MK4S) #13201 (MK4) #27201 (MK3.9S) #21201 (MK3.9) #28201 (MK3.5S) #23201 (MK3.5)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Homing error Y #26305 (MK4S) #13305 (MK4) #21305 (MK3.9) #23305 (MK3.5)

Homing error Y #26305 (MK4S) #13305 (MK4) #21305 (MK3.9) #23305 (MK3.5)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Hotend mintemp error #26208 (MK4S) #13208 (MK4) #27208 (MK3.9S) #21208 (MK3.9)

Hotend mintemp error #26208 (MK4S) #13208 (MK4) #27208 (MK3.9S) #21208 (MK3.9)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Homing error Z #26301 (MK4S) #13301 (MK4) #21301 (MK3.9)

Homing error Z #26301 (MK4S) #13301 (MK4) #21301 (MK3.9)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
MMU Overcurrent #26310 (MK4S) #13310 (MK4) #21310 (MK3.9) #23310 (MK3.5)

MMU Overcurrent #26310 (MK4S) #13310 (MK4) #21310 (MK3.9) #23310 (MK3.5)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Heatbed Port Overcurrent #26309 (MK4S) #13309 (MK4) #21309 (MK3.9) #23309 (MK3.5)

Heatbed Port Overcurrent #26309 (MK4S) #13309 (MK4) #21309 (MK3.9) #23309 (MK3.5)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
Hotend thermal runaway #26204 (MK4S) #13204 (MK4) #27204 (MK3.9S) #21204 (MK3.9)

Hotend thermal runaway #26204 (MK4S) #13204 (MK4) #27204 (MK3.9S) #21204 (MK3.9)

Troubleshooting > Printer troubleshooting
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