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2. Desmontaje MMU2S (UPG)

2. Desmontaje MMU2S (UPG)

2. Desmontaje MMU2S (UPG)
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2. Desmontaje MMU2S (UPG)
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En este capítulo, tendremos que desmontar la unidad MMU2S parcialmente y coger algunas piezas clave que se utilizarán para el montaje de la MMU3.
Asegúrate de que la impresora MMU está apagada y desconectada. Descarga todos los filamentos tanto de la impresora como de la unidad MMU.
If there is a filament loaded in the extruder, use the Unload filament function in the menu.

In the upcoming steps, we'll start by detaching the MMU unit from the printer and disconnecting the buffer from it.

Presta mucha atención a la descripción. Cuando se te indique, aparta los componentes de la MMU2S. Las piezas específicas se volverán a utilizar en un paso posterior.
Mantén un espacio de trabajo bien organizado para evitar mezclar las piezas antiguas con las nuevas. Aunque algunos componentes nuevos puedan parecerse a los antiguos, en realidad son distintos. Ten en cuenta que algunos componentes no deben reutilizarse para el MMU3, mientras que otros son necesarios para la actualización.
Herramientas necesarias para este capitulo
Herramientas necesarias para este capitulo
Por favor prepara las herramientas para este capítulo:
Needle-nose pliers
Unikey to loosen the Festo fittings
Llave(s) Allen de 2.5mm para tornillos M3
Phillips screwdriver for power cable terminals
Puedes usar tus propias herramientas si las encuentras más adecuadas.
Disconnecting the PTFE tubes
Disconnecting the PTFE tubes
Disconnecting the PTFE tubes
Disconnecting the PTFE tubes
Unscrew the M5-4 fittings from both the printer and the MMU unit. If the fittings are tight, you can use the Unikey or an 8mm wrench.
Keep the PTFE tube with the fittings aside for disassembly later.
We will have to disconnect the buffer from the MMU unit.
Loosen all the screws on the buffer securing the PTFE tubes connected to the MMU unit. Remove all five tubes by pulling them out.
Keep the buffer for a later disassembly in the next chapter.
On the back of the MMU unit, slightly loosen the four screws holding the rear-PTFE holder.
Remove all five PTFE tubes and dispose of them immediately. These tubes will not be used again for MMU3.
MMU3 is designed to work with differently-sized PTFE tubes. Reusing MMU2S tubes during the assembly of MMU3 will result in incorrect operation.
Disconnecting the MMU2S (part 1)
Disconnecting the MMU2S (part 1)
Disconnecting the MMU2S (part 1)
Disconnecting the MMU2S (part 1)
Loosen the M3x40 screw on the printer's electronics box.
Open up the electronics box.
From the MMU, you'll see a data cable along with two power cables, all connected to the Einsy control board of the printer.
Never move, connect, or disconnect cables while the printer is powered on. Doing so can cause damage to the electronics.
Begin by disconnecting the MMU data cable.
Be careful not to disconnect the Filament sensor cable located just below the MMU data cable.
Disconnecting the MMU2S (part 2)
Disconnecting the MMU2S (part 2)
Disconnecting the MMU2S (part 2)
Disconnecting the MMU2S (part 2)
With a Philips screwdriver, gently loosen the two power terminals located on the bottom left side of the Einsy board.
The MMU power cable fork connectors are stacked over the main power supply connectors for the Einsy. Remove only the MMU's fork connectors individually, leaving the main supply connectors in place.
Using the Philips screwdriver, thoroughly secure the power terminals with the MMU disconnected. Confirm that all connections match the picture.
Take out the MMU cable bundle from the electronics box. Close the box and secure it using the M3x40 screw for now.
Removing MMU2S from the printer
Removing MMU2S from the printer
Removing MMU2S from the printer
The MMU2S unit has been successfully disconnected.
Raise the rear of the unit to detach the holders from the printer's frame. Then, remove the MMU from the printer.
You can set the printer aside for now.
We can move onto disassembling the MMU2S unit itself.
For the following step, please prepare the MMU-to-Extruder PTFE tube with the Festo fittings QSM-M5 attached.
MMU-to-Extruder PTFE tube disassembly
MMU-to-Extruder PTFE tube disassembly
Take the MMU-to-Extruder PTFE tube with the M5-4 fittings.
Remove both fittings from the old PTFE tube.
Hold the fitting by the metal part and press the collet in. While the collet is pressed, first press the PTFE tube in, then pull it out entirely.
MK3S+ & MK3.5/S owners: Save the fittings for later use. Discard the PTFE tube so you don't confuse it with a new one later on!
MK4/S & MK3.9/S owners: Throw the fittings and the PTFE tube away now! Your package includes new ones! Mixing them may lead to issues!
MMU3 is designed to work with differently-sized PTFE tubes. Reusing MMU2S tubes during the assembly of MMU3 will result in incorrect operation.
MMU2S Unit disassembly
MMU2S Unit disassembly
MMU2S Unit disassembly
Retira los dos tornillos M3x18 que sujetan la electrónica en la parte superior de la unidad.
Retira los dos tornillos M3x30 del tensor con los muelles.
Retira el conjunto de la placa electrónica de la unidad.
Desconecte todos los cables de la placa electrónica. Recuerda que cada conector tiene una pestaña de seguridad que hay que empujar para poder desconectar un conector. Aparta el conjunto de la placa.
Corta con cuidado la brida que sujetan los cables juntos.
¡Ten cuidado de no dañar los cables!
Textile wrap removal
Textile wrap removal
Textile wrap removal
Separate the power and data cable bundle from the rest of the cables.
Remove the textile wrap off the cables and save the textile wrap for later use.
The MMU2S power and data cables won’t be used in MMU3.
Idler motor removal
Idler motor removal
Idler motor removal
Idler motor removal
Usando el final en bola de la llave Allen en ángulo, retira los dos tornillos M3x10 de la parte superior que sujetan el motor tensor.
Abre el cuerpo del tensor y retira los dos tornillos M3x10 que aseguran el motor por el otro lado.
Retira los dos tornillos M3x10 que sujetan el eje del motor a la polea tensora.
Saca el motor tensor de la unidad. Guárdalo para un uso futuro.
5x16sh shafts removal
5x16sh shafts removal
5x16sh shafts removal
5x16sh shafts removal
Remove the four M3x18 screws holding the Rear-PTFE holder.  Remove the holder as well as all the PTFE tubes underneath.
Remove the M3x10 screw on the side securing the 5x16sh shaft.
Using the shorter side of the 2.5mm Allen key, push the 5x16sh shaft from the inside out.
Repeat the same process on the other side. Remove the M3x10 screw and push the 5x16sh shaft outward.
Save the 5x16sh shafts for later use.
Bearings removal
Bearings removal
Bearings removal
Bearings removal
Remove the Idler body with the Idler.
These components are no longer needed. However, they contain valuable spare parts inside. Disassembling them can be challenging, so we won't do it at this point.
Using the Allen key, tilt the 625ZZ bearing on the right side of the Pulley body in order to remove it.
Using the same technique, remove the bearing on the other side too.
Save both the 625ZZ bearings for later use.
Selector motor removal
Selector motor removal
Selector motor removal
Selector motor removal
Girando el eje del motor del selector, desplaza el selector completamente hacia el lado izquierdo.
Con la llave Allen de 2.5 mm, retire los cinco M3x10 tornillos sujetando los motores.
Gira un poco más el eje del motor para desengancharlo del selector.
Tira del motor selector para extraerlo de la unidad.
Save the motor for later use.
Selector removal
Selector removal
Selector removal
Selector removal
Hay dos aberturas en el lateral de la unidad. A través de ellas se ven los extremos del eje selector.
Inserte la llave Allen en las aberturas para empujar ambos ejes hasta el fondo.
Pull out both the 5x120sh shafts and save them for later use.
Si optas por utilizar los alicates de punta fina para extraer los ejes, tira de ellos mientras realizas un movimiento giratorio. ¡Ten cuidado de no arañarlos!
Levanta el selector y extráelo de la unidad. Déjalo a un lado por ahora, ya que seguiremos desmontándolo.
En la parte posterior del selector hay una cuchilla afilada. Procede con cuidado para evitar lesiones.
Pulley motor removal
Pulley motor removal
Pulley motor removal
Pulley motor removal
Dale la vuelta a la unidad.
En la parte inferior, retira los tornillos M3x10 restantes que sujetan el motor de la polea.
Retira el motor de polea de la unidad.
Save the motor for later use.
Using the Allen key, tilt the pulley bearing in order to remove it. Save it for later use too.
Selector disassembly
Selector disassembly
Selector disassembly
Selector disassembly
Remove the two M3x10 screws holding the trapezoid nut.
Remove the trapezoid nut and save it for later use.
Retira el tornillo M3x10 del lateral del selector.
Remove the FINDA / SuperFINDA sensor and save it for later use.

Una bola de acero caerá del selector.

La bola no es magnética y no se reutilizará. Utilizaremos una magnética más adelante. Apartala a un lado para no confundirla con la nueva.
You don't need the other parts in the selector anymore, but you can keep them as spares.
Control board disassembly
Control board disassembly
Control board disassembly
Prepare the electronics board assembly.
Retira con cuidado los tres tornillos M3x6 que sujetan la placa electrónica.
Afloja suavemente la placa electrónica del conjunto, pero no la saques del todo todavía. Mantén la placa de control dentro de la pieza de plástico para salvaguardarla de cualquier daño, por ahora.
Handle the board by its sides to avoid damage. Be careful around the electronics, do not touch the individual components on the board. Remember that the board is sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Here's a summary of the parts to keep for later use:
Textile sleeve 450x5 (1x)
Stepper motor (3x) Idler, Selector and Pulley motor (with pulleys still attached)

Electronics: the control board (1x) and FINDA/SuperFINDA sensor (1x)

625 bearing (3x)
Trapezoid nut (1x)
M5-4 Fittings (2x)
Estos racores solo son necesarios para la versión MK3S+. Si estás montando la versión MK4, ¡utiliza los nuevos racores suministrados!
5x16sh shaft (2x)
5x120sh shaft (2x)
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