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Como reemplazar las tuercas trapezoidales (XL)


Como reemplazar las tuercas trapezoidales (XL)

Como reemplazar las tuercas trapezoidales (XL)
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Ultima actualización 2 months ago
Como reemplazar las tuercas trapezoidales (XL)
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This guide will take you through the installation of the Trapezoid nut on the Original Prusa XL.
Las siguientes instrucciones son compatibles con todas los versiones de las Original Prusa XL.
Todas las piezas necesarias están disponibles en nuestra tienda
Note that you have to be logged in to have access to the spare parts section.
This manual is for both trapezoid nuts on the XL printer. You can choose, which one you want to replace.
Unloading filament
Unloading filament
Unloading filament
Unloading filament
If you have loaded the filament, unload it from the hotend. On the screen, navigate to Filament -> Unload Filament.
WARNING: The hotend and heatbed are very HOT. Do not touch these parts!!!
Remove the filament from the hotend. It is necessary to completely remove it from the printer.
Cooldown the printer. Go to Preheat > Cooldown.
Printer preparing
Printer preparing
Printer preparing
Auto home your printer. Go to Control > Auto home.
Move the Z-axis 5 cm under the Nextruder. Go to Control > Move Axis > Move Z.
From the rear side, turn the power switch OFF (symbol "O").
Unlug the power cable.
Spool holder removing
Spool holder removing
Only if you going to replace the trapezoid nut on the left side of the printer.
Turn the printer to the left side facing you.
Using a 4mm Allen key, unscrew the M5x85 screw and remove the spool holder. Place it nearby. We'll use it later.
Uninstalling the Wi-Fi antenna
Uninstalling the Wi-Fi antenna
Only if you going to replace the trapezoid nut on the left side of the printer.
Unscrew the antenna and take it out. Place it nearby. We'll use it later.
Only if you have the antenna on the left side of the printer.
Detaching the filament sensor
Detaching the filament sensor
Detaching the filament sensor
Detaching the filament sensor
Only if you going to replace the trapezoid nut on the left side of the printer.
Gently push the collet to the rear of the filament sensor assembly.
Gently pull out the PTFE tube.
Detach the filament sensor from the M3nEs nut using a T10 screwdriver.
Disconnect the filament sensor cable from the filament sensor assembly and place it nearby. We'll use it later.
Cable cover removing
Cable cover removing
Cable cover removing
Only if you going to replace the trapezoid nut on the left side of the printer.
Turn the printer to the back side facing you.
Using a T10 screwdriver, remove two M3x8rT screws.
Retira la cubierta de los cables.
Leave the filament sensor cable free.
The printer is now ready to be turned on the left side.
Preparing the printer: placing the printer
Preparing the printer: placing the printer
Preparing the printer: placing the printer
Turn the printer to the left side.
If you want to replace a Trapezoid nut on the other side, turn the printer to the right side.
The steps are the same for both replacements, go through the manual and replace the left or right trapezoid nut.
Do not move with the printer till you finish the instalation.
Uncovering the Z motor cable
Uncovering the Z motor cable
Uncovering the Z motor cable
Take a look at the bottom of the printer and locate:
Extrusion cover 243mm
Remove both covers from the printer.
The bottom of the printer is ready.
Releasing the Z motor
Releasing the Z motor
Releasing the Z motor
Releasing the Z motor
Using a T10 screwdriver, release and remove two M4x10rT screws. Do not throw them out! We'll use them later.
Using a T10 screwdriver, remove two M3x12rT screws on a Bed-frame. Do not throw them out! We'll use them later.
Move the Bed-frame-mount-fixed (or Bed-frame-mount-rotary) into the middle of the linear rail.
Using a T10 screwdriver, remove four M3x8rT screws to release the Z motor. Do not throw them out! We'll use them later.
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Avoid direct skin contact with the lubricant used for the linear rails in this printer. If a contact occurs, wash your hands immediately. Especially before eating, drinking, or touching your face.
Lubricant accumulates mainly in the linear rail channels on the linear sides.
Pulling out the Z motor
Pulling out the Z motor
Pulling out the Z motor
Pulling out the Z motor
Grasp the Z motor with your hand. Don't pull out yet!
Grasp the threaded rod with your second hand.
Gently pull out the motor from the Bed frame.
Place the threaded rod on a Bed-frame-mount-fixed.
Installing the Trapezoid nut: installing the nut
Installing the Trapezoid nut: installing the nut
Installing the Trapezoid nut: installing the nut
Attach the new trapezoidal nut onto the Z-axis threaded rod, only a few centimeters in.
Double-check the correct orientation of the nut! See the picture carefully.
Screw the trapezoid nut at least 6 cm from the top of the Z-motor.
Installing the Trapezoid nut: Z motor attaching
Installing the Trapezoid nut: Z motor attaching
Installing the Trapezoid nut: Z motor attaching
Installing the Trapezoid nut: Z motor attaching
Mantén la varilla trapezoidal en el centro del orificio para el motor para evitar que se dañe.
With one hand, take the Z motor so that the threaded rod is horizontally in the motor hole.
Using the second hand, insert gently the Z motor back through the Bed-frame.
Move the Z motor to the left side through the Bed-frame.
Securing the Z motor
Securing the Z motor
Securing the Z motor
Insert four M3x10rT screws into the four holes in Z-motor-mount.
Aprieta los tornillos con un destornillador T10.
Securing the Trapezoid nut
Securing the Trapezoid nut
Securing the Trapezoid nut
Securing the Trapezoid nut
Do not move with the Bed-frame! Move only the trapezoid nut.
From the bottom side of the heatbed:
Line up the threaded rod in the trapezoid nut with the threated hole in the Bed-frame by turning it clockwise.
From the upper side of the heatbed:
Locate two holes next to the threaded rod.
Be really careful, you can easily turn the screw and damage the thread in the trapezoid nut.
Inserta dos tornillos M4x10rT y apriétalos suavemente con un destornillador T10.
Securing Bed-frame-mount-fixed
Securing Bed-frame-mount-fixed
Securing Bed-frame-mount-fixed
Manually slide the Bed-frame-mount-rotary to the Bed-frame.
Secure the Bed-frame-mount-fixed (or Bed-frame-mount-rotary) to the Bed-frame with two M3x12rT screws using a T10 screwdriver.
Covering Z motor
Covering Z motor
Covering Z motor
Covering Z motor
Take a look at the bottom of the printer.
¡Ten cuidado de no pellizcar ningún cable!
Inserta el cable del motor en la extrusión. Asegúrate primero de que va perpendicular del motor a la extrusión.
Inserta la cubierta de la extrusión de 243mm. Empújala y deslízala hacia la derecha.
Aprieta la Z-motor-cable-bottom-cover contra el marco.
Turning the printer
Turning the printer
Turning the printer
Turn the printer to the right side on it's feet.
If you replaced the Trapezoid nut on the other side, turn the printer to the left side on it's feet.
Cable cover attaching
Cable cover attaching
Turn the printer to the back side facing you.
¡Ten cuidado de no atrapar los cables!
Put the cable cover back in its position.
Insert two M3x8rT screws and tighten them using a T10 screwdriver.
Colocando el sensor de filamento
Colocando el sensor de filamento
Colocando el sensor de filamento
Colocando el sensor de filamento
Connect the filament sensor cable to the filament sensor assembly.
Mueva el conjunto del sensor de filamento a la parte superior de la extrusión y alinea la tuerca M3nEs de modo que quede alineada con la abertura del conjunto del sensor de filamento.
Fija el sensor de filamento a la tuerca M3nEs utilizando el tornillo M3x12rT y el destornillador T10.
Insert the PTFE tube from the extruder into to the first collet on the rear of the filament sensor assembly.
Instalando la antena Wi-Fi
Instalando la antena Wi-Fi
Instalando la antena Wi-Fi
Instalando la antena Wi-Fi
Only if you have the antenna on the left side of the printer.
Localiza el conector de la antena Wi-Fi en la esquina posterior derecha de la impresora.
La antena se puede girar y doblar en dos direcciones.
Recomendamos orientar la antena hacia arriba.
Montaje del portabobinas
Montaje del portabobinas
Montaje del portabobinas
Montaje del portabobinas
Insert the spool-holder-base into the spool-holder-slider. The narrower part of the base should go in first. Push it all the way in.
Coloca el spool-holder en el spool-holder-mount.
Insert the M5x85 screw into the spool holder assembly.
Montaje el conjunto del portabobinas
Montaje el conjunto del portabobinas
Turn the printer to the left side facing you.
Fija el conjunto del portabobinas a la tuerca M5nEs en la impresora. Ten en cuenta que hay un saliente en la spool-holder-mount, que debe encajar en la ranura de la extrusión.
XYZ calibration
XYZ calibration
XYZ calibration
Desde la parte posterior, enchufa el cable de alimentación.
Enciende el interruptor (símbolo "I").
Turn the printer's front side facing you.
On the screen, go to Control > Auto Home and let the printer calibrate.
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