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How to replace the rubber band on Original Prusa XL (Multi-tool)


How to replace the rubber band on Original Prusa XL (Multi-tool)

How to replace the rubber band on Original Prusa XL (Multi-tool)
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How to replace the rubber band on Original Prusa XL (Multi-tool)
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This guide will take you through the replacing of the Nozzle seal rubber band on the Original Prusa XL.
These instructions can also be used for an older version of the nozzle seal. The plastic parts are slightly different in shape, but the screws and procedure are the same.
Nozzle seal rubber band is available in our eshop
The following instructions are compatible with the Original Prusa XL Dual-head and Original Prusa XL Five-head.
The nozzle seal rubber band is shipped with the Original Prusa XL. And it is available in our e-shop
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Herramientas necesarias para este capitulo
Herramientas necesarias para este capitulo
Herramientas necesarias para este capitulo
Para este capítulo, prepara por favor:
TX 10 Torx key (screwdriver)
2.5mm Allen key
A cardboard box for use as a heatbed protection during the assembly. Hint: use the Prusament box.
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
Antes de continuar, te recomendamos que protejas la base calefactable.
Make sure the heatbed is cooled down to ambient temperature. Place the empty cardboard box approximately to the front center part of the heatbed.
Nextruder nozzle seal
Nextruder nozzle seal
Nextruder nozzle seal
These instructions can also be used for an older version of the nozzle seal. The plastic parts are slightly different in shape, but the screws and procedure are the same.
Detach the Nextruder and place it on a cardboard heatbed protection.
Any Nextruder where replacement of the nozzle sealing band is required.
Unscrew the M3x30 screw holding the Nozzle seal using a 2.5 mm Allen key.
Remove the Nozzle seal with the spring.
Nozzle seal disassembly
Nozzle seal disassembly
Nozzle seal disassembly
Nozzle seal disassembly
Remove the spring from the nozzle seal assembly. Do not throw it away!
Remove the M3x30 screw from the Nozzle seal assembly. Do not throw it away!
Untighten the M3x8rT screw.
Leave the M3x8rT screw in the xl-dock-cable-router-parking-plate-cap.
Removing the rubber band
Removing the rubber band
Removing the rubber band
Removing the rubber band
Pull out the second layer of the rubber band from the M3x8rT screw.
Pull out the TC-parking-plate. Do not throw it away!
Pull out the second layer of the rubber band from the M3x8rT screw. Throw away the damaged rubber band.
New rubber band: parts preparation
New rubber band: parts preparation
New rubber band: parts preparation
Para los siguientes pasos, por favor prepara:
New rubber band (1x)
xl-dock-cable-router-parking-plate-support (1x)
TC-parking-plate (1x)
M3x30 screw (1x)
Spring (1x)
Rubber band attaching
Rubber band attaching
Rubber band attaching
Rubber band attaching
Slide one end of the rubber band onto the M3x8rT screw.
Slide the TC-parking-plate onto an M3x8rT screw.
The TC-parking-plate has to face up with the bent part. See the picture.
Slide the second end of the rubber band onto the M3x8rT screw.
Nozzle seal assembly
Nozzle seal assembly
Nozzle seal assembly
Nozzle seal assembly
Attach the xl-dock-cable-router-parking-plate-cap with the new rubber band onto the xl-dock-cable-router-parking-plate-support.
Tighten the M3x8rT screw using a T10 Torx screwdriver.
Insert the M3x30 screw through the xl-dock-cable-router-parking-plate-support.
Attach the spring onto the M3x30 screw.
Well done, the assembly is ready to be installed.
Nozzle seal attaching
Nozzle seal attaching
Nozzle seal attaching
Introduce el sello de la boquilla (con el muelle) en el dock.
Con una llave Allen de 2.5 mm, aprieta el tornillo de modo que la cabeza del tornillo quede 1 mm por encima del dock.
The current nozzle seal position is temporary, the exact height will be set in the next steps.
Calibración de la altura del sello de boquilla
Calibración de la altura del sello de boquilla
Calibración de la altura del sello de boquilla
Calibración de la altura del sello de boquilla
Si el Sello de la boquilla está demasiado bajo o demasiado alto, hay que reposicionar su altura.
Usando la llave Allen de 2.5mm:
Gira el tornillo M3x30 en el sentido de las agujas del reloj para ajustar el sello de la boquilla más abajo.
Gira el tornillo M3x30 en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj para ajustar el Sello de la boquilla más arriba.
La posición correcta del sello de la boquilla es cuando no esté doblado y esté tocando la boquilla.
Well done!
Well done!
The rubber band on the Nozzle seal is replaced. Happy printing!
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