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Prusa Connect - Telegram notifications setup

Prusa Connect - Telegram notifications setup

Prusa Connect - Telegram notifications setup
Prusa Connect - Telegram notifications setup
 Available languages
In the following steps, we will set up Prusa Connect to send notifications to your Telegram messaging app.

Telegram messenger is a secure, open-source instant messaging app that can be downloaded from https://telegram.org/
and runs on all the major computer / phone platforms for free.

Your Telegram app may differ slightly from the images depending on your current version.

To start over, we will utilize Telegram bots. We'll employ two existing bots and create a third one solely dedicated to dispatching notifications.

Perform this task on a computer with text copy-pasting capabilities and a text editor.
Telegram account setup
Telegram account setup
Telegram account setup
Telegram account setup
Install, set up and activate your personal Telegram account in case you don’t have one already.
Open the Menu by clicking the button in the left top corner of the desktop app.
Go to Settings > My Account
Set up Username for your account.
Your Username has to be unique.
Setting up a Username is essential for our purpouses. Interestingly, it's often left unconfigured after the initial account creation.
Creating a Bot
Creating a Bot
Creating a Bot
Creating a Bot
In order to create a new Bot, we will need to contact BotFather (existing bot).
Search for BotFather and open up a chat with it.
Hit Start to start a chat.
Type /newbot and send the command to BotFather.
Fill in the Name and then Username for your new bot, when prompted. Remember, the Username has to be unique.
The unique username must end in "bot". E.g. "PrusaConnect_bot" or "PrusaConnectBot".
BotFather will facilitate the creation of the new bot and provide us with its HTTP API Token.

Note down this token for future use by pasting it into a text editor.

Starting the Bot
Starting the Bot
Starting the Bot
Now, we must start the bot.
Click the link leading to your newly created bot.
Select Start to start the bot.
Obtaining the Chat ID
Obtaining the Chat ID
Obtaining the Chat ID
Obtaining the Chat ID
Now, we have to determine where the Bot will send the notifications to. There are two options:
1. To you directly.
2. To a Group chat, into which you can add multiple users.
We need to find out a Chat ID number: Either your personal, or a Group chat ID.
To receive the messages directly, search for RawDataBot and open up a chat with it.
Start the bot.
It will show you your personal Chat ID number. Note it down.
Creating a Group chat (Optional)
Creating a Group chat (Optional)
Creating a Group chat (Optional)
Creating a Group chat (Optional)
To use a Group chat where the Bot will post the notifications:
In Chats, create a New Group.
Give the group a name and then choose Next.
Now, we need to add members to the group.
Search for your recently created bot by its unique Username and add it to the Group.
Then, search for RawDataBot (existing bot) and add it to the group as well.
Obtaining the Group chat ID (optional)
Obtaining the Group chat ID (optional)
Obtaining the Group chat ID (optional)
Obtaining the Group chat ID (optional)
Immediately after the group's creation, the RawDataBot will show the group chat ID number to you.
Note down the group chat ID number for future use.
Keep in mind that the complete Group chat ID number starts with the "-" minus character at the beginning!
Since RawDataBot has fulfilled its purpose by supplying us with the Chat ID, you can remove it from the group. Click the three dots icon in the top-right corner, choose Manage group > Members, and finally, select RawDataBot - Remove.
Setting up Prusa Connect
Setting up Prusa Connect
Setting up Prusa Connect
Visit Connect.Prusa3D.com and log in.
In the right top corner, open up Notifications by clicking the Bell button.
Open Settings.
In the Channels Setup column, open the Telegram tab.
Setting up the credentials in Connect
Setting up the credentials in Connect
Setting up the credentials in Connect
Setting up the credentials in Connect
insert the API token and Chat ID, hit Save.

We found your Chat ID in Step 4 or a group Chat ID in Step 6.

Note that contrary to a personal Chat ID, a Group chat ID is a number prefixed with the "-" symbol!
If the credentials are valid, a checkmark will appear on the left side.
Choose the types of notifications you wish to receive.
Open Telegram. You should receive an initial message from your bot, confirming that everything is functioning as intended.
All set up!
All set up!
Congratulations! You should now start receiving notifications about the ongoing prints through Telegram.
If you're interested in delving deeper into Prusa printer remote control services, visit the Prusa Connect and PrusaLink explained article.
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