When printing various resins, you may notice a more or less significant yellowing effect after curing your models. This affects most MSLA materials, including all of our Prusament Model resins. The most significant color difference between the uncured model (usually called green body) and the post-cured model can be seen in Alabaster White resin.
Yellowing gradient with various post-curing times. The whitest model is an uncured model (green body), the yellowest was post-cured for 60 min at CW1S.
However, the yellowing is a partly reversible process and with just a little help, it can be easily minimized. Under some conditions, the final post-cured model can reach a color tone very similar to the color of the liquid resin.
The first important step is curing the model. This step is important for every freshly printed (and washed) MSLA part because it eliminates tackiness, reduces resin toxicity, and improves mechanical properties. However, the post-curing comes with noticeable yellowing, which gets more significant with long post-curing times. At some point, the yellowing effect might become pretty much irreversible. For example, with 60 minutes of curing time, the model will remain yellowish, even after the de-yellowing process.
Suppose you require the final color to be as close to the liquid resin as possible and don’t need the best mechanical properties. In that case, we recommend choosing shorter curing times (min. 3 minutes for Prusament Model resins).
In any case, the model surface should be exposed to the UV light as evenly as possible. Although the CW1S has an in-built rotating platform, some surfaces may remain uncured, for example, the model's base. This can be easily fixed by flipping the part during the curing process in CW1S. Remember that flipping the model during the curing prolongs the overall curing time.
There are two ways of de-yellowing the color:
Comparison between the uncured model (left), freshly cured model (right), and de-yellowed model (middle). Both right and middle models were cured for 15 minutes at CW1S, but the middle one was de-yellowed for 120 minutes at 60 °C.
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