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How to replace the Sandwich Board (XL)


How to replace the Sandwich Board (XL)

How to replace the Sandwich Board (XL)
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Ultima actualización 2 months ago
How to replace the Sandwich Board (XL)
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This guide will take you through the replacement of the Sandwich Board on your Original Prusa XL.
Las siguientes instrucciones son compatibles con todas los versiones de las Original Prusa XL.
All necessary parts are available in our eshop.
Note that you have to be logged in to have access to the spare parts section.
Necessary tools
Necessary tools
Necessary tools
Para los siguientes pasos, por favor prepara:
Llave / destornillador Torx T10
Llave Allen de 2.5 mm
Destornillador Philips (PH2) (1x)
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
Desde la parte posterior de la impresora, APAGA el interruptor de alimentación (símbolo "O").
Versiones del soporte de la antena Wi-fi
Versiones del soporte de la antena Wi-fi
Versiones del soporte de la antena Wi-fi
The upcoming steps will vary based on the location of the Wi-Fi antenna on your printer.
Check the position of the antenna on your printer and follow the corresponding instructions:
Side mount: If the Wi-Fi antenna is on the left side of the printer (viewed from the front), proceed to Disconnecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables
Rear mount: If the antenna is located at the top center on the back of the printer, proceed to the next step Detaching the Wi-Fi antenna
Detaching the rear Wi-Fi antenna
Detaching the rear Wi-Fi antenna
Detaching the rear Wi-Fi antenna
Este paso es específico para las impresoras equipadas con una antena Wi-Fi situada en la parte posterior del dispositivo. Si tienes una versión de la impresora con una antena en el lateral, sáltate este paso.
Gira la impresora, de modo que la parte posterior de la impresora esté orientada hacia ti.
Localiza el conector de la antena Wi-Fi en el centro de la impresora.
Suelta la antena Wi-Fi del conector de antena y déjela a un lado.
Removing the electronics cover (rear antenna)
Removing the electronics cover (rear antenna)
Removing the electronics cover (rear antenna)
Removing the electronics cover (rear antenna)
This step is necessary only for printers equipped with a Wi-Fi antenna located on the back of the device.
Gire la impresora, de modo que la parte posterior quede orientada hacia ti.
Using a T10 Torx key, loosen four screws securing the electronics cover.
It is not necessary to fully remove the screws.
Remove the electronics cover by sliding it upward.
After open the electronics box, you can see one of the electronics options depending on the variation of your XL printer:
Single-Tool | Dual-Head - single board electronics.
Five-Head - there is an extra board for 3rd, 4th and 5th Nextruder cables.
Disconnecting the antenna cable
Disconnecting the antenna cable
Disconnecting the antenna cable
Locate and carefully unplug the Wi-Fi connector.
Single-Tool | Dual-Head 
Five-Head - connected on the bottom electronics board. 
Disconnecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables (rear antenna)
Disconnecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables (rear antenna)
Disconnecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables (rear antenna)
Disconnecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables (rear antenna)
Proceed with this step for the printer version with rear antenna. If your printer has the antenna on the side, skip to step 8.
Ten cuidado, no dañes el cable de la antena Wi-Fi.
Cada conector tiene una pestaña de seguridad. Es necesario presionar la pestaña antes de desconectar. De lo contrario, el conector podría dañarse.
Afloja ligeramente los dos tornillos de la tapa. No es necesario quitarlos completamente. Desliza la cubierta hacia la derecha y retírala de la impresora.
Push the safety latch and disconnect the first Nextruder cable from the upper slot labeled DWARF 1.
Push the safety latch and disconnect the second Nextruder cable from the lower slot labeled DWARF 2.
Push the cover to the right and remove it from the printer.
Disconnecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables (side antenna)
Disconnecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables (side antenna)
Disconnecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables (side antenna)
Proceed with this step for the printer version with the side antenna. If you have removed the antenna on the back of the printer, go to Disconnecting the 3rd, 4th, 5th Nextruder cables (five-tool).
Cada conector tiene una pestaña de seguridad. Es necesario presionar la pestaña antes de desconectar. De lo contrario, el conector podría dañarse.
Afloja ligeramente los dos tornillos de la tapa. No es necesario quitarlos completamente. Desliza la cubierta hacia la derecha y retírala de la impresora.
Push the safety latch and disconnect the first Nextruder cable from the upper slot labeled DWARF 1.
Push the safety latch and disconnect the second Nextruder cable from the lower slot labeled DWARF 2.
Disconnecting the 3rd, 4th, 5th Nextruder cables (five-tool)
Disconnecting the 3rd, 4th, 5th Nextruder cables (five-tool)
Disconnecting the 3rd, 4th, 5th Nextruder cables (five-tool)
This step is intended for the XL Five-Head only.
Locate the XL_splitter (electronics board to which three cables from the Nextruders are connected).
Carefully disconnect all three Nextruder cables in the following order:
Cada conector tiene una pestaña de seguridad. Es necesario presionar la pestaña antes de desconectar. De lo contrario, el conector podría dañarse.
Third Nextruder cable
Fourth Nextruder cable
Fifth Nextruder cable
Undocking the 4th and 5th Nextruders (five-tool)
Undocking the 4th and 5th Nextruders (five-tool)
Undocking the 4th and 5th Nextruders (five-tool)
Undocking the 4th and 5th Nextruders (five-tool)
Before you proceed, it is recommended to protect the heatbed.
Make sure the heatbed is cooled down to ambient temperature, and the printer still turned off. Place the empty cardboard box approximately to the front center part of the heatbed.
Remove the 4th and 5th tool heads from the dock:
Remove the tool head, by pulling it outwards from the metal inserts.
Although a small resistance is expected, as the metal inserts are magnetic, use moderate force.
Carefully place the removed Nextruders on the cardboard box.
Disassembling the back covers
Disassembling the back covers
Disassembling the back covers
Using a T10 Torx key, remove four M3x4rT screws from the covers.
Retira con cuidado el rear-cable-management-upper y el rear-cable-management-lower. Ten cuidado con los cables.
Con una llave Torx T10, retira los dos tornillos M3x4rT que sujetan la rear-cable-management-base y retírala.
Removing the rear-cable-management-base is not strictly necessary, but it will help with cable management especially on a 5-tool XL.
Removing the XL_Splitter
Removing the XL_Splitter
Removing the XL_Splitter
The following step is necessary only for five-head XL. The single-tool and dual-head are not equipped with the XL_Splitter.
Touch any electronic board by its edges. Avoid damaging the board components.
Using the Philips screwdriver, release two terminal screws and disconnect both power cables.
Locate the ejectors on both sides of the electronics box. From these, locate the upper pair.
There are prepared grooves on the electronics box.
Slide out the XLSplitter. Push the ejectors so the board disconnects from the Sandwich board and then slides out using the side rails.
Removing the XL_Buddy
Removing the XL_Buddy
Removing the XL_Buddy
Touch any electronic board only by its edges. Avoid damaging the board components.
Locate the two lower ejectors.
There are prepared grooves on the electronics box.
Slide out the XL_Buddy. Push the ejectors so the board slides out from the rails.
Removing the Sandwich cables
Removing the Sandwich cables
Removing the Sandwich cables
Removing the Sandwich cables
The Molex connectors (white) have a safety latch. It is necessary to press the latch while disconnecting. Otherwise, the connector may get damaged.
Carefully disconnect the xLCD cable. Do not pull on the cable!
Disconnect all cables with Molex connector.
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, disconnect the top-right PE cable.
Using the Philips screwdriver, release two terminal screws and disconnect the power cables.
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, disconnect the bottom PE cables, and loosen the top-left M3x6 screw.
Removing the Sandwich board
Removing the Sandwich board
Removing the Sandwich board
Removing the Sandwich board
In order to remove the Sandwich board, it is necessary to remove the xl-electronics-case-rail.
Start from the right side of the electronics, remove four screws using the T10 Torx screwdriver. Two screws are on the side and two are on the bottom of the box. Remove the xl-electronics-case-rail.
Touch any electronic board only by its edges. Avoid damaging the board components and touching its connectors.
Slightly tilt the Sandwich board. Then, carefully remove it from the electronics box.
Replacing the Sandwich board: parts preparation
Replacing the Sandwich board: parts preparation
Replacing the Sandwich board: parts preparation
Replacing the Sandwich board: parts preparation
Para los siguientes pasos, por favor prepara:
Replacement Sandwich board (1x)
M3x8rT screw (4x)
M3x6 screw (4x)
XLBuddy (1x)
XL_Splitter (1x), only for the five-head version.
Installing the new Sandwich board
Installing the new Sandwich board
Installing the new Sandwich board
Installing the new Sandwich board
Touch any electronic board only from its edges. Avoid damaging the board components and touching its connectors.
Place the replacement Sandwich board at a slight angle, then rotate it slightly to position it parallel to the rear of the printer.
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, tighten one M3x6 screw.
Using the T10 screwdriver, tighten 4 M3x8rT screws, two on the side and two on the bottom of the box, to install the xl-electronics-case-rail.
Connecting the Sandwich cables (part 1)
Connecting the Sandwich cables (part 1)
Connecting the Sandwich cables (part 1)
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, tighten the M3x6 screw to connect the bottom-right PE cable.
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, tighten the M3x6 screw to connect the bottom-left PE cable.
Using the Philips screwdriver, connect the power cables.
Double-check the correct polarity (positive-negative) of the above cables
Ensure that all screw-attached connectors are completely tightened.
Connecting the Sandwich cables (part 2)
Connecting the Sandwich cables (part 2)
Connecting the Sandwich cables (part 2)
Connecting the Sandwich cables (part 2)
Connect the following cables from the right side:
XY-left motor
Z-left motor
Side filament sensor (left, tools 1-3)
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, tighten a M3x6 screw to connect the top-right PE cable.
Ensure that all screw-attached connectors are completely tightened.
Connect the LED light cable 2.
Connecting the Sandwich cables (part 4)
Connecting the Sandwich cables (part 4)
Connecting the Sandwich cables (part 4)
Connect the rest of the cables from the left side:
LED Lights 1
Modular Bed
Power panic
Double-check the LED lights and the Modular Bed connections by verifying their cable colors.
El conector del cable xLCD tiene un mecanismo de enclavamiento que tiene que mirar hacia el triángulo rojo cerca del conector xLCD.
Connect the xLCD cable
Original XL Enclosure owners:
Connect the Enclosure FAN cable to the FAN1 connector.
Installing the XLBuddy
Installing the XLBuddy
¡Ten cuidado de no atrapar los cables!
Touch any electronic board only from its edges. Avoid damaging the board components.
Hay ranuras de guía preparadas en los laterales de la XL-buddy-box.
Using both hands, insert the XL-Buddy into the slot in the XL-sandwich-board.
Installing the XL_splitter (five-head)
Installing the XL_splitter (five-head)
Installing the XL_splitter (five-head)
Installing the XL_splitter (five-head)
The following step is necessary only for five-head XL. The singe-tool and dual-head are not equipped with the XL_Splitter.
¡Ten cuidado de no atrapar los cables!
Touch any electronic board only from its edges. Avoid damaging the board components.
Hay ranuras de guía preparadas en los laterales de la XL-buddy-box.
Con las dos manos, inserta el XL-splitter en la ranura de la XL-sandwich-board.
Coge el cable de alimentación y gíralo por el lado izquierdo de la XL-buddy-box.
Coloca el cable negro en el terminal izquierdo y fíjalo con el tornillo del terminal.
Coloca el cable rojo en el terminal derecho y fíjalo con el tornillo del terminal.
Note the correct orientation of the power cable connectors.
Connecting the 3rd, 4th, 5th Nextruder cables
Connecting the 3rd, 4th, 5th Nextruder cables
Connecting the 3rd, 4th, 5th Nextruder cables
No saques la placa XL-splitter de la impresora aún, la foto es sólo una herramienta para conectar los cables del Nextruder.
Connect the Nextruder cables to the splitter in the following order:
Third Nextruder.
Fourth Nextruder.
Fifth Nextruder.
El XL-splitter con los Nextruders conectados debe parecerse a esto.
Cubriendo la electrónica: preparación de las piezas
Cubriendo la electrónica: preparación de las piezas
Cubriendo la electrónica: preparación de las piezas
Cubriendo la electrónica: preparación de las piezas
XL-buddy-box-cover (1x)
Rear-cable-management-upper (1x)
Rear-cable-management-base (1x)
M3x5rT screws (4x)
M3x4rT screws (2x)
Either of the following two parts depending on the antenna mount position:
Antenna-holder with antenna cable (1x), rear-antenna version
Rear-cable-management plug (1x), side-antenna version
Covering the electronics (part 1)
Covering the electronics (part 1)
¡Ten cuidado de no atrapar los cables!
Desde el lado izquierdo, coloca la rear-cable-management-base y fíjala con dos tornillos M3x4rT utilizando una llave Torx T10.
Covering the electronics (part 2)
Covering the electronics (part 2)
Covering the electronics (part 2)
Covering the electronics (part 2)
¡Ten cuidado de no atrapar los cables!
Encaja cuidadosamente el Rear-cable-management-upper en la parte posterior.
Asegúrate de que ningún cable quede aprisionado en las cubiertas de plástico.
Asegúrate de que la cubierta metálica no pellizque el cable del motor.
Fíjalo con cuatro tornillos M3x5rT utilizando un destornillador T10.
If your printer has its antenna on the side, check if the XL-rear-cable-management-plug is installed.
Loosen two bolts using the T10 screwdriver, and remove the XL-rear-cable-management-plug.
Connecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables
Connecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables
Connecting the 1st and 2nd Nextruder cables
Connect the first Nextruder cable to the upper slot labeled DWARF 1.
Connect the second Nextruder cable to the lower slot labeled DWARF 2.
If your printer had the antenna located on the side, proceed with the following point.
Attach the cover (xl-rear-management-plug) onto the screws. Push the cover all the way to the left and tighten the screws.
If your printer had the antenna located on its rear side, proceed to the next step.
Installing the Wi-Fi antenna cover (rear antenna)
Installing the Wi-Fi antenna cover (rear antenna)
Installing the Wi-Fi antenna cover (rear antenna)
This step is valid only if your printer has its Wi-Fi antenna on the back of the printer. If you have the antenna on the side of the printer, proceed to the next step.
Pasa el cable de la antena por la abertura de la cubierta de cables (chapa metálica) y guíalo por detrás de la cubierta hasta la caja de la electrónica.
Coloca el antenna-holder en los tornillos, empuja la cubierta hacia la izquierda y aprieta los tornillos.
Cubriendo la caja de la XL buddy
Cubriendo la caja de la XL buddy
Cubriendo la caja de la XL buddy
Cubriendo la caja de la XL buddy
Be careful, do not pinch any cables!
Vuelve a colocar la XL-buddy-box-cover en la impresora.
On the five-head XL, check the Nextruders cables, they have to be inside the cutout in the cover.
Con una llave T10 aprieta los cuatro tornillos.
Docking the 4th and 5th Nextruders (five-tool)
Docking the 4th and 5th Nextruders (five-tool)
Docking the 4th and 5th Nextruders (five-tool)
Docking the 4th and 5th Nextruders (five-tool)
Before you proceed, it is recommended to protect the heatbed.
Dock the 4th and 5th Nextruders.
Coge el Nextruder y colócalo con cuidado junto al dock.
Coloca los dos pines metálicos a través de los orificios blancos del dock. Los imanes te ayudarán a acoplar el Nextruder.
Remove the previously placed cardboard box from the printer heatbed.
Performing the Calibration Wizard
Performing the Calibration Wizard
Performing the Calibration Wizard
Tras el arranque de la impresora, la pantalla ejecuta el asistente de prueba y configuración de la impresora.
El asistente probará todos los componentes importantes de la impresora. Todo el proceso dura unos minutos. Algunas partes del asistente requieren la interacción directa del usuario. Sigue las instrucciones que aparecen en pantalla.
NOTA: Mientras pruebas los ejes, asegúrate de que no hay nada en la impresora que obstruya el movimiento de los ejes.
ADVERTENCIA: No toques la impresora durante el asistente a menos que se le indique. Algunas partes de la impresora pueden estar CALIENTES y moverse a gran velocidad.
Follow the steps in the dedicated manuals, specific for your version of Original Prusa XL.
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