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Out of Memory #26507 (MK4S) #13507 (MK4) #21507 (MK3.9) #23507 (MK3.5)

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Last updated 4 months ago
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What happened?

The Original Prusa MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5 electronic boards have memory, including RAM (Random Access Memory). In rare cases, the RAM can be fully consumed, with the printer unable to perform any further action: when this happens, the printer will show the message: "Dynamic allocation failed - out of memory. Reset the printer."

Error name: Out of Memory

Error code: #26507 (MK4S) #13507 (MK4) #21507 (MK3.9) #23507 (MK3.5)

How to fix it?

Restarting the printer is expected to resolve the error, and this is not expected to occur again. In case a restart does not resolve it, please contact our customer support, we will take it from here. 

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